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"You have me, until every star in the galaxy dies You have me

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"You have me, until every star in the galaxy dies
You have me."
~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

The next few weeks were brutal for Lyra. She often woke up drenched in sweat and blanketed in fear. As her nightmares continued worsen, it became increasingly more difficult to convince herself that she was okay.

Dora had gotten back to her shortly after she had send Delphi with the letter. She had said that she should try a sleeping drought for dreamless sleep, and if she saw anything that actually came true when she was conscious, to owl her and Sirius immediately and to go to Dumbledore.

With the severity of the horrors she was seeing, she prayed that she would never see any of this come true.

Lyra knew why Dora had warned her of this. She and Hermione had done extensive research in the library and the only explanations they could find were common nightmares and the gift of the sight.

Throughout her years at hogwarts she had taken plenty divination, she was great at it after all. She had predicted minor things, nothing of importance. Lyra doubted that she could be a seer, meanwhile was made slightly uneasy by how Hermione had reacted. Hermione thought that this explanation was the explanation. Lyra was deeply worried by that, Hermione had never believed any divination she had been taught.

After another sleepless night, Lyra slowly yawned and rolled out of her bed. The clock-locket, or clock-et, that was hanging loosely around her neck read 5:30am. The clock-et was a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley on her 10th birthday. She remembered how proud Arthur had been of how he had created it with a mixture of magical and muggle parts.

Lyra chewed on her thoughts as she washed her hair. She allowed the luke warm water wash over here. If she let the water get even just one degree too hot, she felt like she couldn't breathe, the water too cold, and she would want to get out. Slipping on some leggings and a zip up with a big quaffle on the back, she re-entered the dorm and slipped on her trainers.

She grinned as she tip toed into the boys dormitory, her birchwood Firebolt hanging over her shoulder. She silently yanked open Harry's curtains and as soon as he had found his glasses on his night stand and was able to see the broom in her hands, he shot up out of bed.

The giddy look on his face had Lyra melting with adoration. She tried not to blush anymore when she realized he was just in boxers. She casually looked around at the occupied beds and he skipped on joggers and his own trainers. His hoodie was also a gift from the weasleys.

Once harry had his broom in hand, and had draped the invisibility cloak over the both of them, they began to run down to the quidditch pitch.

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