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It feels right

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It feels right.


"Umbridge has put Hagrid on probation." Hermione said sadly, as her and Ron met Harry and Lyra outside of the room of requirement.

"Of course she has." Lyra snarled, pushing the rooms door open.

It was now early March, the past two months had flown by.

Lyra's life was a constant cycle of class, occlumency, detention, quidditch and the DA.

She wrote to Dora every Tuesday, and received an answer every Thursday like clockwork.

Angelina had taken to scheduling quidditch practices on weekends and Mondays, because those were the days Lyra was least likely to have detention.

Snape had been teaching both Lyra and Harry occlumency. The vibe was definitely more tense now that Harry had joined them, there was a king standing hatred that they had for each other.

"We went to see him while you two were planning todays meeting." Ron said.

"How is he taking it?" Harry asked.

"Oh... you know...."

"Tears?" Lyra asked, sadly.

"Yep." Ron replied.

The four of them waited as the room began to fill with members of the DA.

To Lyra's delight, at their first meeting after arriving back from Christmas break, Cho and her sour friend never came back.

Draco also started to attend some meetings.

He was a member of the DA but he couldn't always attend, it would most likely tip Umbridge off that something was going on.

"Hey everyone," Lyra called nicely, "Today we're going to be working on the shield charm."

She and Harry demonstrated a few times, then got everyone paired off and practicing.

Lyra smiled as she watched as Draco and Ginny immediately found each other, and began to practice.

"So cute." She said softly.

"What is?" Harry asked, scanning the room.

"My brother and Ginny."

"What about them?"

"You are really slow sometimes you know that Haz?"


"They like each other, cant you tell?"

"No... not really...." he replied.

"You really are clueless, Harry." she smiled, shaking her head slightly, "In more ways then you know."

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