The Summer of 96' (pt.1) (48)

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You say, you're a winter bitch but summers in your blood



For the residents of 12 grimmald place, the next week was a frenzy of packing.

"Should I bring this goblin head candelabra?" Sirius asked, holding the decoration out before Lyra.

"No, actually please don't bring that."

Sirius nodded, "I was hoping to go shopping for some new things, Id rather leave most of this behind."

"Probably for the best don't you think?" Lyra said, scrunching her nose in distaste as she saw several small spiders scurry between piles of old stuff. "Even though Molly made us clean last summer doesn't mean it's stayed clean."

"If you need help packing your stuff with magic let me know." Sirius offered as Lyra retreated back up the stairs.

She shouted a thank you as she dashed up the stairs to her room.

She signed the letter sitting on her desk and put it into an envelope.

"Bring this to Harry will you?" She asked Delphi. The owl was resting beside Andy who was curled up in front of the window. "After you deliver it come straight to the new house we won't be here."

The owl hooted lowly, and allowed Lyra to tie the letter to his leg.

She give him a small treat, and watched as the flew out the now open window.

She had already put most of her things into boxes, which she had carefully divided by function and size.

Even with her intense quidditch workouts, she had struggled to stack her three large baskets of books on top of each other.

The only thing she needed to do was take things off her walls.

She hummed softly as she took down her posters, then all of the random book pages and newspaper clippings, and then the photos.

When she was done packing, she noticed that only one thing remained on her desk.

Nymphadoras wand.

She hadn't touched it since she had left it there the night of the funeral.

She was intrigued by it.

She wanted to see if it would work for her, she hadn't won the wand, it wasn't hers.

She knew there was no harm in one little spell.

The ministry wouldn't know who cast the spell, just that magic had been done in 12 grimmald place, but that was no mystery.

Her main worry was that Sirius and Remus would know.

Good wizards and witches could feel magic in the air.

After contemplating for a minute, Lyra decided, fuck it.

She grabbed the wand and waved it quickly, to her surprise, her closet door shot open, just as she had intended it to.

What happened next happened very quickly.

Lyra shouted, dropping the wand onto the ground as if it had burned her.

This time, the wand had shocked her so badly that she felt the energy sizzle through her entire body.

Next, her door slammed open.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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