Interrupted Examinations (42)

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Every week that passed with Dumbledore gone was harder than the last.

Umbridges tyranny was effecting every student in the castle, at every moment, of every day.

They weren't allowed out of the common rooms, they weren't allowed to visit other house tables, and they weren't allowed within several feet of anyone of the opposite gender.

That wasn't even the half of it.

You wouldn't expect that these rules would be effectively enforced, seen as there were so many students and only one Umbridge.

You would be assuming incorrectly.

Somehow, she found a way to be everywhere at once, scolding every rule breaking student.

Lyra, Ron and Hermione had been sitting in the common room studying for five hours straight.

They sat by an open window, allowing the warm June air to kiss their faces, giving them a taste of the outside world.

The only reason Harry had a break from studying was because he had his "Future Career Meeting" with Professor Mcgonagall.

Lyra had hers the day before, she had taken an interest in joining the Auror office, like Dora. She had also been intrigued by the inner workings of the ministry and the political side of things. She also found teaching appealing.....

Lyra was very conflicted and very indecisive.

Professor Mcgonagall had assured her that it was okay to not have a solid plan at this point, and that she had the marks to pursue any field she could ever dream of.

They were on their sixth hour of studying when Harry joined them, kissing Lyra's cheek as he sat down next to her.

She felt her heart flutter, she leaned into Harry's side and groaned, rubbing her eyes. Her vision was getting fuzzy from staring at the tiny labels on her star chart for so long.

"What subject?" He asked the other three.

"Astronomy, we have the exam tomorrow night.".

Harry groaned and began to pull out his own star chart.

"Nope," Lyra stopped him, "Use mine, yours is rubbish."

"It's not." Harry argued, looking sheepishly at his star chart with a total of about twenty five labels, while Lyra's had approximately one hundred.

Lyra glanced at him, like Really?

He obeyed without another objection, moving to sit closer to her, his excuse being that he needed to look at her chart.


Lyra was gazing through her telescope, trying to finalize the exact placement of Mars on her exam, when she caught a glimpse of something moving across the dark grounds.

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