Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (44)

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The group walked through the towering shelves of dusty blue orbs at a pace that could only be described as a 'speed walk'. The smell of dust was thick in the cold air, and the floor was of pale grey stone.

"Isle ninety-seven." Lyra heard Harry whisper, but she was already approaching isle 90 and there was no sign of Voldemort, or Sirius.

A panicked feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.... what if Hermione was right? what if sirius was never here in the first place....? what if this was a trap?

They had reached row ninety-seven. There was no sign of Sirius, and there was nothing to indicate that there had been a struggle.

She was just beginning to gather her thoughts when she heard Harry swearing angrily.

"Harry..." Hermione began softly, "Maybe he's not here..." there was a pleading tone in her voice.

"This is where he was in the vision! I saw him!"

Soft chatter broke out among the teens, all surely questioning where they actually were.

"Lyra? What are you looking at?" Luna asked, being that she was the only one who had noticed Lyra had been staring directly at one of the milky orbs on one of the shelves.

"Do you all not hear that?" Lyra asked, her gaze still trained on the orb, which seemed to be growing more full and opaque the closer she got to it.

"The ones with the power to vanquish the dark lord approach....."

She heard these words breeze past her ear like a familiar song, the rest of the group however, wasn't picking up on it.

"Lyra.... Harry.... It's got your names on it..." Said Ron, pointing below the glass sphere.

"The ones with the power to vanquish the dark lord approach....." Lyra could hear the voice ringing in her ears.

The teens stood in silence for what felt like several minutes, unsure of what to say.

Harry began to reach out to grab it, but Draco called, "No!" and smacked his arm away.

"It's about me. If anyone should take it it's me or Ly!" Harry protested, grabbing the small ball anyway.

As soon as his hand closed around it, a loud crack sounded throughout the room.

The group moved closer together in fear, the feeling of dread building up in every one of them.

Black shapes were emerging out of thin air all around them.

Dark stood before them. Their eyes glinted through slits in their hoods, their robes were long and inky black.

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