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"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense

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"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense."

Alice in Wonderland


Lyra was half conscious, she could hear the dripping sink, she could hear Ron's shaking breath and Hermiones foot tapping on the floor rapidly. Other than that, she was in another world entirely.

As she laid there with her head on her arms, the thought of a world with no Voldemort.

She and her friends would be free to do as they pleased, they would be able to act like teenagers, she might even have a real family. To her, it felt silly to add, but in this world of hers, Harry hadn't kissed Cho.

The constant fear of death and destruction would be a foreign concept.

She was lost in her dream world, playing quidditch with Harry, setting pranks all around the school with Fred and George.

In this care free world she always had enough time to play chess with Ron, have girls days with Ginny and Hermione, and she could stay up late watching the stars with Draco every night.

Unfortunately, her world came crashing down as a piece of parchment appeared, ablaze in the center of the table.

And she was back. Back to this sick twisted reality, where she was waiting to hear about her friends dad, who was like a father to her, because he had gotten brutally attacked by the Dark Lords giant pet snake. The only reason they knew this being that Lyra and her best friend (the main target of said Dark Lord) had visions of the attack while they slept.

When she thought it over it sounded like a joke, or maybe the plot to some strange muggle movie.

She watched as Fred and George tore into the note from their mother.

"Dad is at St. Mungos, he is stable right now. He isn't out of the woods yet." George read out loud, his voice heavy with exhaustion and stress.

Ginny curled herself up, laying across two chairs, while Ron stared at his butter beer with a blank look in his eyes.

Hermione was looking back and forth between Harry. Both of whom were trying the best they could to not look in each others direction.

Fred was petting Andy, who had been sent by Dumbledore with all of their belongings.

Lyra just looked at the table, listening to the clock tik by the second.

She thought about Mr. Weasley, and how afraid Mrs. Weasley must be, sitting and waiting for news from the waiting room.

She wondered if there was anything she could have done to help, she knew it was a vision, but maybe if she had woken up earlier Mr. Weasley would have been in better condition.

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