The Arrival (9)

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She had roamed gardens with the greenest of trees, the most vivid plants, yet his eyes were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen

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She had roamed gardens with the greenest of trees, the most vivid plants, yet his eyes were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
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The golden four stood huddled together in the fourth row from the front. The whole school silent, anticipating the arrival of the other schools participating in the tournament. Lyra and Hermione were shivering lightly and had linked their arms to try to provide some warmth for each other, while Ron stood on his toes trying to see over to the path leading to the front gate.

"It's bloody cold, how much longer?" Lyra complained now shivering violently.

"It's nearly dark," Ron replied, "I expect they'll be here soon."

As he said that they heard Dumbledores calm, booming voice, "If i am not mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches."



"It's a dragon!" A first year shrieked.

"Don't be stupid, it's a flying house!" Called another.

It did in fact, seem to be a flying house. A giant powder blue carriage was soaring towards them, pulled by huge white horses.

As the carriage drew nearer, the tension among the students grew thicker. A shiver was sent trough Lyra's body, she had the most terrifying feeling about this tournament and she knew deep inside that it wasn't going to be what everyone made it out to be.

The ginormous powder-blue carriage finally landed in front of the students.

A boy who looked to be in his late teens hopped out and extended a small staircase and opened the large door.

Within seconds, the largest heeled feet  Lyra had ever seen were walking down the steps.

"That's a big woman..." Seamus Finnegan, a boy in their year, said from a few people down the row.

The four friends nodded in agreement. The woman must've been as tall, maybe even taller than Hagrid. She had her hair in a sleek bun sitting at the base of her neck, her fingers adorned with chunky rings with stones of opal and amethyst.

When Professor dumbledore began to clap, the students followed suit. She smiled graciously and greeted Professor dumbledore.

My dear Madam Máxime!" He had said, kissing her hand as he greeted her.

Lyra spotted the group of students standing behind the grand woman. They all wore robes of thin silk and satin in the same powder blue color as the carriage. Some of them had headscarves and shawls wrapped around them as they were all shivering violently after only being out in the cold for less then a minute.

They all bore sour looks on their faces, annoyed by the cold and hesitant about the castle of hogwarts. Seeing the looks of disgust on some of their faces caused Lyra's blood to boil, a sneer forming on her lips.

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