Memories of the Future (5)

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"My lonely place is everywhere you aren't

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"My lonely place is everywhere you aren't."
-Perry Poetry

The golden four sat at the Gryffindor table in the great hall. The sorting just finished, the ceiling was being pounded on by thunder, the enchanted dome acting as a drum, loud bangs and crashes reverberated through the hall, causing Lyra to shiver. She tightened her robes around her and looked over at Harry, who was sitting next to her. She smirked.

"How long are you going to be growing out that mop of yours Harold, any longer you're gonna have to sleep in the girls dorm with me and Mione." Lyra giggled, as Harry glared at her.

"Dooon't call me that, Ly!" Harry whined as Lyra just continued to giggle at her own joke, "We talked about this earlier.... and I don't think it's that long..." He said, pouting and ruffling his hair subconsciously.

"I'm only joking, Harry." She paused, taking a small breath and gathering her courage, "I think it looks nice long."

"Really?" With this, Lyra just shrugged and nodded, Harry went to say something else but was cut off by Ron, who had begun to choke on a chicken leg. Hermione started hitting his back with her textbook with such force that Lyra and Harry were sure there was going to be a bruise.

While Lyra was indulging in a piece of carrot cake, Nearly Headless Nick was telling Hermione about how House elves worked in the Hogwarts kitchens. Lyra's mind wandered to Dobby the House elf. He served the Malfoys, up until just two years ago, when Harry and Lyra set him free in second year. Lyra smiled, remembering the look on Dobbys face when he had gotten his first item of clothing. Then her mind drifted on, reminding her of what happened when she got home after exams that year. Flashes of pain, of Luciuss voice, the word Crucio playing in echoes in her mind.

She was snapped out of her trance when harry grabbed her arm, motioning for her to pay attention to dumbledore.

"It is also my painful duty to inform you, that the inter house quidditch cup will not be taking place this year."

"What- uh what does he mean..." Lyra asked tugging on Harry's robes frantically. Harry wore an equally as shocked expression on his face, mouth agape, staring off into space as if he was in a trance. Both Harry and Lyra looked over at Fred and George, knowing that they would have similar reactions. They were mouthing words at Dumbledore, but no sound was coming out.

"This is due to an event that will be starting in October, and will be continuing-throughout the school year." Lyra continued to gape at Dumbledore, what could possibly be more important than quidditch? Just before Dumbledore could answer this question, the large doors slammed open.

In the doorway stood a disheveled looking man, one of his legs was fake, clunking every other step he took. His face was like patchwork, patchwork that had been left outside to the elements for too long. Scars afluentes his face, a chunk missing from his nose. Many of the students gasped. The most shocking feature of this man, his eyes. He had one brown eye, and one electric blue. His blue eye swiveled madly, moving in all directions, even to the back of his head.

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