[21]「Student of Mine」

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Sophia walked down the Coven Halls towards where Kikimora informed her to be at after Emira left an hour ago. She walked past many Coven guards who greeted her but she was too lost in her thoughts to respond or focus on them.

Many things spilled throughout her mind but the most important thing was what she would be attending today so she can show her perfectness to Emperor Belos. Not wanting to fail him, Sophia put her full attention on what was waiting for her in the training room.

After about thirty minutes, Sophia eventually made it to the training room doors. She stood in front of the door giving herself a small pep talk and trying to courage herself that she can complete whatever task is given to her by Emperor Belos. This was the first task that was huge for her and she couldn't fail. Not now.

Pushing open the doors, Sophia stepped inside of the training room, taking in view of two figures afar. She recognized one being Kikimora but she couldn't identify the other witch.

Not wasting any more time, she proceeded her way over towards Kikimora and the other witch expressionless. She was just here to complete this task and move on to the next one. Not wanting to waste time.

"Ah. You've finally arrived, Miss Noceda." Kikimora voiced, eyeing the teen human witch that approached.

"I couldn't exactly decline, Kikimora." Sophia replied with an eye-roll and annoyance laced in her voice. "Even though I wanted to."

"Amusing as ever." Kikimora begins, turning away from Sophia and towards the other witch. "Now, as you know, Miss Noceda. You have a task to attend today. Which will involve you teaching the second-best witch in Hexside."

The witch bowed down with a giddy smile on her face to be the student of the most powerful Witch in Hexside. She felt this was a dream and didn't want to wake up. She idolized this human witch for what she's done through her time in Hexside.

"Greeting, Emperor Sophia." The Witch greeted, then raised from her bow to meet eyes with the teen Human witch.

"You look quite familiar, witch. What's your name?" Sophia questioned, pulling down her hood as her chocolate brown hair fell to her side and her eyes not leaving the teen witch in front of her.

"My name is Boscha. Boscha Circe." Boscha answered, standing properly to show respect to the human witch that she didn't want to disappoint. Not many would get a chance to train with the most powerful human witch in Hexside. And this was Boscha's opportunity to impressed Emperor Sohpia. {By the way, I don't know if we know Boscha's last name yet. So, I just created one for her. :) }

"Hmmm...." Sophia hummed as she begins to walk around in a circle around Boscha, eyeing her, then stopping in front of her. "I've seen you before but I don't have time to waste remembering useless things. Let's just begin."

Sophia walked away towards the center of the training room, leaving Boscha confused and look at the witch next to her, Kikimora for some sort of answer to Sophia's comment. She didn't know whether they're training or something else.

"Do not keep her waiting." Kikimora voiced, pulling Boscha from her thoughts and focus her attention on the short coven witch. "Miss Noceda isn't the witch that you want to keep waiting."

Without waiting any more, Boscha nodded her head, then proceeded to walk towards the opposite side of Sophia afar from her. Of course, Boscha was nervous about going up against Emperor Sophia. But, who knows, maybe she'll impress her. She only hopes.

"What are you doing?!" Sophia shouted as anger filled her eyes already. "Get over here, Circe!"

Confused, Boscha scratched her head but didn't want to anger the Emperor Coven any further. She made her way over towards Sophia, stopping beside her still confused about the whole situation. She believed they were going against one another.

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