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Later on the day, students in the classroom paid attention to the teacher as she talked about the certain steps of the magic that was going to be learned today in the Bard class.

Some students took notes here and there to remember later, along with Sophia who wrote down in her notebook that was written onto the board. Her full focus on that and nothing else. Even though some of her classmates took some glances at her and mumbled under their breath.

But, Sophia couldn't care about any of her classmates talking about her because she knew they wouldn't dare say it to her face. So, she just ignored them and continued to write in her notebook as she glanced up at the board at times to continue where she left off.

That was until a small knock was heard from the classroom door, then the door opened to reveal Principal Bump entering the room which the teacher greeted him with a smile and the students paid their attention to him while Sophia just continued to copy the notes, unlike her classmates.

"Oh, hello, Principal Bump." The teacher greeted, smiling as she stopped what she was doing and turned towards Principal Bump, giving him her full attention.

"Hello." Principal Bump greeted back as his eyes scanned around the room, eyeing each student until his eyes landed on Sophia Noceda. He then turned his attention back to the teacher, his smile vanishing away. "You may continue with your teaching, Miss Delila. I'm simply here for Miss Noceda."

His comment made Sophia stop writing and lift her head to meet eyes with Principal Bump who curled his index finger and beckon Sophia to come here immediately.

Sophia rolled her eyes in annoyance as she stood up from her chair and grabbed her notebook, placing it in her brown bag and putting the strap over her shoulder, then start making her way over towards the exit where Principal Bump exited and waited in the Hexside Hallways for Miss Noceda.

After a minute or so, Sophia eventually exited the classroom and shut the door behind her. She then turned her body towards Principal Bump, crossing her arms, clearly annoyed to be pulled out of class for probably something useless.

"Do you know why I pulled you out of class?" Principal Bump asked, making Sophia turn and start walking down the hallway with him, away from the classroom she was currently pulled out.

"Ooo. A guessing game! Not in the mood for it." Sophia replied with an eye-roll as she looked away from Principal Bump and walked with him, even though she rather be back in the classroom, finishing her notes so she could study later.

"I couldn't care if you were in the mood or not, Miss Noceda." Principal Bump stated, looking forward with his hands clasped behind his back in a superior way as his shoulders are back and his chest expanded a little which indicates dominance. "A little bird has informed me that you and a certain new student had an altercation with one another before class. Is this correct, Miss Noceda?"

"So what if it's true!" Sophia retorted, throwing up her arms as venom laced her voice, and anger filled in her eyes to know someone would snitch on her. "That little dweeb started it first by laying her clammy none achiever hands on me."

"I'm quite disappointed in you, Miss Noceda." Principal Bump says, shaking his head as he and Sophia continued further down the hallway, passing other classrooms along the way. "You were supposed to be the student that I introduced to the inspector but that ship has sailed."

Both walked in silence for the rest of the walk. Sophia not wasting her breath to get through to Principal Bump, for she knew that he wouldn't let her off of the hook-like the last fight. So, it was better to just forget it and deal with her punishment for defending herself against some none achiever student that was new to this school and already made a huge enemy, as well with whoever snitched on her and she would soon find out who did.

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