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Footsteps interrupted the two witchlings' conversation, gaining both of their attention to focus onto the elder witching that entered the throne room, heading into their direction with their head hung low a bit. The elder witchling soon approached the two witchlings, sighing to themselves.

Kneeling to Emperor Belos, showing respect and loyalty as they lowered their head with several emotions flowing through the witchling about what occurred a couple of days ago. The elder witchling attempted to push down those emotions before raising their head to stare into the emotionless eyes of their Emperor, and their leader, Emperor Belos.

"My liege"

Belos leaned back in his throne, tapping his fingers down upon the arm of his throne as he stared down at the elder witchling for what felt like an eternity until his raspy voice echoed throughout the large throne room, suffocating the silence that was once there but now forgotten.


Delicate music played in the background from the crystal ball that sat on the witch's desk from afar, displaying a small screen above that showed a famous person playing gentle, soothing music in the background while an elder witchling stared into the mirror, scrutinizing her appearance to only see an emotionless reflection staring right back at her.

A small sigh soon escapes the elder witchling's lips as she shifts her hands upwards to brush them through her chocolate brown hair, feeling exhausted and annoyed about several certain things that have been swimming through her thoughts, only causing her headaches at times. But, lately, it's been getting worse to a point where she is forced by Belos to stay in her room and allow certain witches in the coven to care for her until she's much better.

Of course, she has declined them at times when she knew it was just a simple headache but those witches were ordered to not acknowledge her by Belos and just use force if she were to decline again. So, lately, it's just been witches in and out of her room the past few days and she couldn't do anything about it unless she wished to be punished by her father.

"No puedo soportar esto más ..." The elder witchling mumbles before letting out a forced chuckle, attempting to laugh it off with a headshake. "Estos dolores de cabeza deben parar."

Continuous chuckles proceed to leave her delicate lips, getting louder with each chuckle before a fist is soon seen hitting the mirror, shattering it into pieces which some fall onto the desk in front of the elder witchling, who stared once more into the shattered mirror, not chuckling anymore, the only rage filled in her eyes and blood dripped from her right knuckle down upon the book that laid on the desk, staining page of the book as the smell of blood slowly filled the air.

The delicate music in the background continued to play in the room which yanked the elder witchling from her thoughts, pulling her attention away from the shattered mirror to shift her head downwards and examine her bloody knuckles, seeing some small pieces of glass within her knuckles covered in blood. She groans annoyingly to herself before a small knock at the door was heard, only making her more annoyed to explained what happened to one of those parasite witchlings that she hated with every inch of her body.

"Genial, los parásitos están en la puerta." She mumbles as she stood up from her chair, blood continuing to drip from her knuckle. She approaches the door, sighing to herself before shifting her hand out to the handle, opening it and only coming face to face with one person that usually annoyed her...

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