[8]「Old Memories, New Memories」

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Hours passed, Sophia and Emira walked around Bonesborough for a while, talking with one another and looking around in the shops, just spending time with one another and having fun before both eventually came to Dead Man's Curve to sit on the red hill that had an extremely zigzagged road with Bone columns above the Red hill that both sat on, staring out at the beautiful view.

Both, Sophia and Emira would always come to Dead Man's Curve when they were younger, just after school to hang out with one another before Sophia had to go back to the Coven and train with Kikimora each day after school. They would get time to spend with one another at certain times, sometimes both of them would even skip the last period to get some time to spend with one another. However, things became different for both of them when time flies by. Unfortunately, both couldn't spend much time with each other as they used to.

Emira lets out a heavy breath, growing a smile onto her face, staring at the view. "We haven't been here since..."

"-Since we were just children?" Sophia chimed in, letting out a sigh. "Yeah, time flies by."

Emira turns her head, focusing her attention on the teen human witch beside her, growing a small frown onto her face. "Hey." Emira gently placed her hand down upon Sophia's shoulder, gaining her attention. "Don't let this bothers you, Sophia."

Sophia let out a small chuckle, turning her head away from Emira, feeling like it's her fault why they haven't been spending more time with each other through the years. She's been dealing with the Emperor Coven, training with Kikimora, and just focusing her attention on impressing Emperor Belos than anything else. She hated to know that she allowed herself to block out Edric, especially Emira. Her two best friends that she cared dearly about.

Time indeed went passed, the last time both, Sophia and Emira got to spend with each other was a couple of days ago and that's their first time after one year of being away from each other, not having contact with one another or talking to each other at school. Mostly, because Sophia was focused to achieve something she always wanted and just pushed them aside as she did with everyone else she was friends with in Hex Side. Oh, she regrets pushing away her close friends.

The only reason Sophia and Emira are hanging out now is that Lilith's student is Amity Blight. That allowed both, Sophia and Emira to see each other after it's been one year without talking to one another.

"It's just..." Sophia sighs, lowering her head, as she places her hands down onto her knees, digging her nails into her knees. "It's my fault we haven't talked for one year. I was focused on the Coven and pushed you away."

Tears soon began to slowly roll down Sophia's cheeks, and fall from her cheeks, down upon her thighs, wetting her Emperor's Coven clothes a bit. She hated to be emotional in front of Emira for many reasons, but she couldn't help herself and get lost in her emotions again that she always attempted to avoid. She understood she did a lot of things she regrets, and thinking about it only made her feel broken each time. So, she always attempted to stay strong, be a rock in front of everyone, even Emira but behind that rock, behind that human teen Witch is a girl that pushes down her emotions and avoids them every single time. Not a healthy way.

"W-Why am I like this?" Sophia sobbed, covering her eyes with her hands, still, tears finding their way out and dripping down as it hit her clothes. "I-I know we were supposed to have a fun time but, all I did was hurt you and you just act like it's fine. I try to be strong every day but when I see you, I just can't control my emotions for what I did to you and Edric. How can you act like everything is fine, Emira? Why don't you hate me? Why still be around me after what I did? I don't understand. Do you have any idea how much I try to stay strong in front of you and push away my emotions about what happened? What I did?"

Sophia attempted to calm her sobs but was unsuccessful. She always was the strong one when it came to her or Emira but within her was a girl that was broken. She had so many emotions that were about Emira, about her mother, about herself, and many other things that she pushed away for so long. She was raised to be a strong witch but she couldn't help herself when her emotions spilled out of her, especially in front of someone. She hated to look like a weak Emperor Witch. She was supposed to be strong but how can someone be strong when every day they're hurting? When they're broken? One can put on a mask and hide behind that mask to hide their emotions from everyone else.

Emira sat there in silence, allowing those words to sink into her before she gently moved her hands and removed Sophia's hands from her face then cupped Sophia's cheeks gently, caressing them as tears slowly rolled down Sophia's cheeks and onto Emira's hands.

Emira stared into Sophia's eyes, concern was written onto Emira's face, and Sophia avoiding Emira's gaze. "Sophia, I would never hate you for focusing your attention on the Coven. You always told me that you wanted to become the best witch in boiling Isles. I wasn't going to stop you from achieving that because I was fine with you achieving your goals. And, you don't have to be strong around me, you've always been a sunflower around me since we were children. So, you don't have to be strong or show me that you can be the strong type. You'll always be a sunflower in my eyes. I'll never hate you for trying to achieve something you want."

Emira gently wiped away Sophia's tears from her cheeks. "Hey." Emira soothed, rubbing her thumb gently onto Sophia's cheek right cheek. "Look at me, Sophia."

Sophia hesitated a bit before moving her eyes onto Emira, looking Emira in the eyes, which brought a small smile onto Emira's lips.

"I'll always be here for you, Sophia," Emira informed, softly smiling at the witch in front of her that she cared about dearly. "Now, Can I see a smile on your face?"

Again, Sophia hesitated a bit before a small smile slowly formed onto Sophia's lips, feeling a little better. She indeed still felt in her emotions, but she attempted to allow Emira in and help her feel better. Something she knew she needed a while ago. Emira was there when they were younger, but time did fly past, so Sophia has always pushed down her emotions since then. She had no one to talk to about what she was going through, so things have been emotional for her since she pushed away Emira. But, maybe things can change for her. Just maybe.

"See? Now, that wasn't so hard?" Emira joked, earning a playful eye roll from Sophia.

Emira smiles softly, getting lost in Sophia's eyes, and without thinking she leans forwards and plants her lips onto Sophia's lips, shocking Sophia. But, Sophia doesn't hesitate to kiss back, then soon wrapping her arms around Emira's neck, melting into the kiss that both, Sophia and Emira wanted to do for such a long time to each other...


"What do you mean she's not with you?!"

"I-I don't know, Emperor Belos." Lilith stuttered, feeling extremely terrified. "S-She just disappeared from the Witches covention."

Silence filled in the room, as Emperor Belos lowers his head. He believed that Sophia would attend to her task instead of being Disobedient, something Sophia doesn't do because Emperor Belos taught her well. However, he wonders what made her become disobedient and fail her task.

Emperor Belos lifts his head, before slamming his fist down upon the arm of his throne, startling Lilith and even Kikimora, along with the guards. "Find her, Lilith! Bring her back to the Coven immediately!"

"O-Of Course, Emperor Belos," Lilith replied, bowing down before quickly leaving the room in search of Sophia...

Welp, I hope this chapter was good. Trying my best to become better at writing. Lmfao. Hope you enjoyed it!

Anyway, hope you like the relationship between Emira and Sophia! If you haven't noticed already, Emira is more of the strong type when both are hanging out and Sophia is more of a sunflower around Emira. Just has been when she met Emira.

Now, if you enjoyed then please hit that rate button to show some lovely support and help my book become notice among the Owl House fandom! Thank you.

Much Love! -Diamond

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