[11]「Lost Bond」

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After hours passed, Sophia sat in her room on her bed, talking to Emira on her Crystal Ball about Lilith and what happened. She needed someone to talk to after what just happened earlier. Something that bothered Sophia a bit.

"I don't know, Emira," said Sophia, staring into the Crystal Ball, talking to Emira on the other end. Similar to the telephone. "The only reason Emperor Belos didn't punish me is because of Lilith. She's acting strange around me for some reason. Like caring about me? I don't know."

"Maybe she has a change of heart?" Said Emira jokingly, and Sophia made a face at her, making Emira laugh.

Sophia didn't know why Lilith was acting strange. She's been doing that since the Covention, which Sophia assumed Emperor Belos put her up to it but she still didn't understand why Lilith would lie about her whereabouts to Emperor Belos. For what? Both of them had many arguments, disagreements, and both wanted to push each other out of the spotlight for years, so Sophia wonders what changed in Lilith.

"What do I exactly do? Talk to her about it?" Sophia asked, leaning back against her bedframe, rolling her eyes.

Emira chuckled, shaking her head. She understood Sophia's and Lilith's hatred between each other. But, she believes that maybe talking would help.

"Maybe, talking would help the hatred you two have against each other," Emira replied, growing a small smile.

"Ugh." Sophia groans, crossing her arms. "I suppose. But, would she even sit down with me and talk?"

"It's a possibility," said Emira, picking up her Crystal Ball, carrying it in her hands. "Well, I have to go, Sophia. Mother is calling me."

Sophia grows a frown, pouting a little. "Really? She can't wait?"

"You know how she is." Emira chuckles, placing her Crystal Ball down on her desk, smiling. "I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, if I'm not busy with Coven things." Sophia sighed, already regretting tomorrow. She just hopes Kikimora doesn't train her.

"If you do, then it's fine, Pia," Emira replied, blowing a small kiss, making Sophia smile. "Also, talk to Lilith, Pia. And, I'll see you later."

"I will. Bye, Emi." Sophia smiles, blowing a kiss back, before ending the call.

Sophia grabs her Crystal Ball, getting off of her bed and placing down upon her desk, then falling back on her bed, as she exhales a heavy breath from her lips. She wonders if Lilith would actually sit down with her and talk about why she lied to Emperor Belos. It's been bugging her for some time since it happened. She just hopes Lilith would talk to her about it, if not then it would only just bug her even more. Something she didn't want at all.

Little did Sophia know that Lilith heard her whole conversation with Emira, for she passed by her door and stopped when she heard Sophia talking about her. Of course, she left after the conversation ended, before Sophia could see her. However, Lilith indeed wanted to talk to Sophia and possibly not have Sophia hate her anymore, maybe see her as a mother she never had. And, a child Lilith never had.


FlashBack {Six Years Ago}

The Witch sat on the bed in Sophia's room, Sophia watching the elder Witch form magic spells that only made the eleven years old girl giggle at the sight, and making the elder Witch grow a warm smile towards the little human girl.

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