[12]「Lost Leaking Thoughts」

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After about an hour of getting showered, getting dressed, and preparing herself for today, Sophia finally reached the training room where she entered to see Kikimora waiting for her with a disappointed look that only made Sophia roll her eyes. She wasn't in the mood for a lecture from Kikimora but she knew that it was coming.

Sophia walks over towards Kikimora, stretching her hands, gently brushing them through her chocolate brown hair, as she stopped in front of a disappointed Kikimora.

"You're late, Sophia." Kikimora scolded, turning away from her, and starts walking, Sophia tagging behind.

Sophia rolls her eyes, as she pulls up her Emperor's cloak hood.

"Ugh." Sophia groans, annoyance laced in her voice, clearly annoyed as she looks away. "I was busy getting dressed. Don't understand why it matters."

"It matters because you're an Emperor Witch that needs to act mature and take things seriously, Sophia. You're no longer a child anymore." Replied Kikimora, shaking her head in disapproval of Sophia's behavior. She raised Sophia to be better than this.

Both continued to walk through the training room, but now in silence. Neither one said a single word to one another. Sophia stayed silent and focused her attention on something else so she didn't have to interact with Kikimora and be scolded again for something Kikimora calls "Being Immature"

After a few minutes, both finally reached the exact place that Kikimora would train Sophia only. More room for her magic and much better for Kikimora to see what Sophia can do with those unique stones that Emperor Belos made just for her.

Sophia walked away from Kikimora and to the center of the room, pulling one of her stones out of her bag that she would keep with her to secure her magic stones.

As she did so, Kikimora stood away, watching the teen human emperor Witch, observing like she normally does each time Sophia were to train. It gave Kikimora a better understanding of where Sophia was currently at with Magic.

Sophia twirled one of her favorite magic stones through her fingers, staring at the dummy across the room that was used to train.

"Let's just get this over with," Sophia mumbled, as she used her stones to form a red circle in front of her. "Kikimora wants me to train? Then so be it."

She finishes forming the red circle, and when she does, a large fire wave appears in front of her and starts moving extremely fast towards the dummy.

Within seconds, the large fire wave passes through the dummy, leaving it burnt to a crisp like every other dummy she used to train with.

Sophia holds the red stone in the palm of her right hand, staring at the burnt dummy then turning her head towards Kikimora, smirking.

"Impressive, Sophia," Kikimora mumbled, feeling proud of her student. However, she still didn't approve of her behavior. Nonetheless, Kikimora was indeed impressed.

The teen Witch growled in annoyance, turning her head away and pulling out another stone, then quickly forms a large blue circle which summons a Frost beam that beamed right through the burnt dummy chest, making a medium-size hole and hitting the wall which fractures a bit of it, causing some small derpy to fall on to the floor.

Sophia doesn't hesitate to form another red and blue circle with both of her stones, feeling herself letting all her emotions out. She pulled out another stone, forming a large green circle behind the blue one which is behind the red.

Without seconds, a large ball is summoned that had fire, ice, and plants mixed all in one, and it quickly made its way to the dummy, hitting it which caused a small explosion to go off within the room, and filling it with a lot of smoke that blocked Kikimora's and Sophia's vision.

After what felt hours, the smoke soon vanished, revealing Sophia still standing in the center of the room, breathing heavily as she held her stones in each slot of her Syndactyly {Between her fingers} before she soon falls to her knees, feeling some tears slowly roll down her cheeks.

The stones fell out of Sophia's hand, rolling onto the floor, while Sophia pulled and covered her face with her hands, looking down which caused her hair to fall.

Kikimora approached her, eyeing her student, before she gently kneeled in front of her, placing her hand under her chin, lifting her head as Sophia removed her hands from her face, meeting eyes with her teacher, Kikimora.

"I-I'm a monster." Sophia cried, feeling tears roll down her cheeks, not being able to control her emotions or her sobs. "I create destruction everywhere I go."

"Do not call yourself that, Sophia." Kikimora comforted, wiping a tear from her cheek. "You're a unique Witch that would do anything in your power to see your mother, your family, and wouldn't allow nothing to stand in your way to achieve returning to the human realm, correct?"

Sophia covered her face with her hands again, attempting to push down her emotions and calm down her sobs. "C-Correct."

"The real monster is the Owl Lady who dares to keep your way from leaving this place with her. She has the door that you need to return." Kikimora accused, filling Sophia's head with some truth and some lies added in.

Kikimora grabbed Sophia's hands, pulling them away from her face, seeing her eyes that has red circles around them, and her cheeks all red from crying.

"Are you going to let the Owl Lady keep escaping with the door or capture her for the Emperor Coven?" Kikimora asked, moving her hands and gently picking up Sophia's stones. "Remember that you're not the monster. The Owl Lady is the monster."

With that, Kikimora puts her hand out towards Sophia, holding her stones in the palm of her hands, making Sophia look down, slowly exiling, allowing her thoughts to wander.

However, soon she moves her hand and grabs her stones from Kikimora's hand, looking at them before she lifts her head to meet eyes with a pleased Emperor Witch.

Sophia brushed back her hair, putting on a determination look as she clutched her stones in her hand "I'll return Home..."

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