[9]「To Me, You Are Perfect」

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Emira never wanted to let go now that she finally had Sophia in her arms after years of yearning. It felt surreal to Emira that Sophia was here and in her embrace. So, she tried to hold her closer, afraid that she would disappear and she would wake up and realize that this was all just a dream.

Sophia continued to wrap her arms around Emira's neck, holding Emira close to her because she didn't want this moment to end. She let herself melt into the kiss that she been wanting to do for years. Of course, her whole body was trembling and shaking in shock and disbelief.

Soon, they finally pulled away after what felt like an eternity, pressing their foreheads against one another, with their eyes closed, breathing in and out, trying to make this moment last longer each second.

"Wow." Sophia finally said, breaking the silence.

Emira let out a small chuckle, pulling away a bit with a small soft smile formed onto her lips.

Sophia rolled her eyes playfully with a smile. "That felt...Good." Sophia said, looking away, blushing.

"Yeah, it did," Emira replied, giggling.

"I didn't expect you to feel the same way. Was afraid that you didn't feel the same about me."

"What do you mean?" Emira asked rhetorically. "I've been wanting to ask you on a date for a while now."

"What?" Sophia frowned in confusion. "Why haven't you?"

Emira sighed, running a hand through her green hair. "Every time wasn't the perfect time. Plus, I was so nervous and scared of you saying No."

"D-Did I-" Sophia begins hesitantly, feeling her emotions slowly build up again. "Push you away from asking?"

Emira shakes her head, moving her hands and cupping Sophia's cheeks gently. "Of course not, Sophia. Everything has just been interrupting me from asking you."

"Are you sure?" Sophia questioned. "I feel like some of it was my fault. Not noticing something obvious."

"I'm sure." Said Emira, leaning forward and planting a small peck onto Sophia's lips. "Everything that has happened is not your fault Sophia and it never will be. The things you've done are always understandable. Focusing your attention on the Coven, wanting to train more to be a better Witch, and just being you will always be fine. You may act strong around everyone else but you'll always be a sunflower around me like you were when we were younger. I promise that you'll never lose me."

"When I was focusing my attention on the Coven, I couldn't stop thinking of when I pushed you away. It just kept eating me alive every day, every hour, and every second. I couldn't hold in it anymore after seeing you for a year. I don't know if I could handle losing you again. I have problems pushing everyone away when I get upset. What if that happens again with you, Emira? What if I do the same thing when I'm lost in my emotions or stressed out? Push you away for trying to help?"

Sophia looked away, her eyes filling with tears at the thought, but she tried to push down her emotions, shaking her head.

"I-I-" Sophia started. "-I just don't want to push you away, Emira. I don't want to lose you again because of me."

Emira moved close to Sophia and pulled her into a hug, wrapping her arms around Sophia. "You won't lose me again. I promise, Sophia." Emira muttered, resting her head on Sophia's right shoulder.

Sophia hesitated a little, before she returned the hug, pulling Emira close to her and burying her face into Emira's left shoulder. She knew that sooner or later, she'll push away Emira once again because that's how Sophia was and always been. She had trust issues, she had problems, and was always focused on the wrong things. She wanted to savor this moment like it's her last time with Emira.


Lilith continued to search around Bonesborough in search of Emperor Belos' little pupil that he cared about dearly. Something Lilith didn't understand. She wonders what Emperor Belos sees in Sophia, what makes her so special for him to take a liking to her and announce her as his pupil to rule the Coven once he's gone. Lilith just believed that she's only his Pupil because she's human. If she wasn't a human then she would be thrown out of the Coven for so many of her actions, maybe even stoned as her punishment. Of course, Lilith wouldn't want that but she just didn't understand what was so special about Sophia Noceda.

"Emperor Lilith." A voice called out, Lilith turned her head, seeing an Emperor guard run-up to her, breathing heavily.

Lilith eyed the guard, hoping this guard has some good news about Sophia's whereabouts. "Did you find anything?"

The guard breathed heavily once more, before lifting his head to meet eyes with Lilith. "Y-Yes." The Guard informed.

"Then where is she?!" Lilith shouted, losing her temper each second.

The Guard trembled, shaking a little. "S-she's in Dead Man's C-Curve with some Witch, E-Emperor Lilith."

Lilith didn't hesitate to push past the guard and start heading through Bonesborough towards Dead Man's curve. She wonders if this guard was telling the truth and if so, she hopes Sophia won't leave with whatever Witch she's currently with at the moment. Lilith didn't feel like playing cat and mouse all day. She had better things to do than searching for a Witch that should've known she is an Emperor Coven Witch and the Coven comes first than anything else.

After a few minutes, Lilith finally reached Dead Man's curve, her face all heated in anger to be running around looking for an immature Emperor Witch. She continued to walk into Dead Man's curve, looking around to see any Witch that she recognized, wearing Emperor Coven clothes and sitting with another Witch, supposedly the guard informed her.

"Where is she?" Lilith muttered, getting annoyed each second she walked further into this wretched place. "I don't have time for her games."

Lilith pulled down her hood, feeling her body warm-up and feeling herself start to sweat a little. Mostly because it was a bit hot but she was also nervous to return to the Coven without Sophia if she doesn't find her here.

Eventually, Lilith began to hear some laughter from afar, perking up her ears. She doesn't hesitate to start moving towards where the laughter was coming from, hoping those laughs are Sophias. She was already annoyed and tired of looking around for quite some time. She just wanted to get back to the Coven and take some time to relax, especially after dealing with her immature Sister, Eda Clawthorn.

Lilith pushed up the hill, and when she did, her eyes landed on two Witches kissing, but the thing that caught Lilith's eyes was one of the Witches was wearing Emperor Coven clothes. This, of course, shocked Lilith. She was lost for words at the sight in front of her. She indeed already knew who one of the Witches was but as for the other one, she wonders who locked lips with the Coven Witch, Sophia Noceda.

"Emperor Belos is going to kill me," Lilith mumbled, staring at the sight in front of her...

Well, I hope this chapter was a little better than the last one. Let me know if you want another Character to become friends with Sophia.

Also, Emira's and Sophia's relationship is coming along. Doing better, I believe. Lol.

Anyway, if you truly enjoyed the chapter then please do me a favor and hit that rate button. It'll not just help me but help my book become noticed within the Owl House Fandom! Thank you.

As always, stay safe and Goodbye.

Much Love. -Diamond

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