[5]「The Boiling Storm」

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Tomorrow morning rolls around after a pretty uneventful night, and as Emira sat in front of her desk, looking into the mirror, adjusting her hair, a knock at her door startles her a little. She calmed herself down before returning to fluffing her green hair once more, still a little jumpy.

"Come in" Emira called out.

The door opens, and Edric lets himself in. He soon leans against the doorframe, looking at Emira before looking at Sophia.

"She's still asleep?" Edric asked as he turned his attention back onto his sister.

Emira looked in the mirror, seeing Sophia lay on the bed, making the blight smile a little. She knew Sophia was exhausted when they arrived at her house, so she didn't mind letting her sleep in. After all, Emira noticed Sophia pushing herself lately for some reason.

"Yeah. She's been exhausted since we arrived here yesterday." Emira informs him. "For some reason, she's been pushing herself lately."

Edric shrugs his shoulders towards Emira. "Well, we've known Sophia for three years and she's been always pushing herself."

Emira turns in her chair, resting her arm on the desk, as she turned her head towards Sophia, seeing her sleep peacefully.

"I just don't understand why she pushes herself." Emira sighs. "For what exactly? To be better at magic or is it something else that's bothering her?"

"Well, whatever is on her mind that makes her push herself so much could be a good thing." Edric gave a reassuring smile, trying to make Emira feel better.

"Yeah, I suppose. I just hope she doesn't push herself to a certain point which could lead to-"

"-I'm sure Sophia knows when it's time to stop being so hard on herself. Believe me, she's smarter than you think." Edric cuts in before Emira could finish what she was heading towards.

Emira rolls her eyes at Edric, turning back around in her seat, staring back in the mirror, and begin to apply some makeup for today, as she attempted to not get further into this conversation anymore.

"Yeah, I know, Edric." Replied Emira, laughing a bit. "Anyway, onto another subject, what time are we heading to school?"

"You didn't hear?" Edric questioned. "Supposedly the school is shut down for today. Something happened in the school with an abomination accident yesterday."

"What do you mean?" Emira replied, confused. "Wouldn't we have heard about it then?"

Edric titles his head a bit with a shrug, before leaning back to look down the hall then leaning back in the room, looking at Emira. "Well, Mittens would know about it. She was involved with it. Surprised Father and Mother didn't hear about it."

"Of course, Mittens had something to do with it." Emira chuckled, shaking her head.

Soon, both twins were interrupted by the sound of a human teen witch girl yawning, sitting up from the bed then rubbed her eyes feeling still exhausted.

"Geez, what time is it?" Sophia asked, half asleep still.

Both Blight twins turn their attention onto the half-asleep teen human witch on the bed. "Good morning, sunshine." Edric joked, which only resulted in a pillow getting thrown at him.

"Hey!" Edric shouted. "Not very good morning of you."

"Bite me, Blight." Sophia hissed, as she threw her legs off the edge of the bed, landing them onto the floor and feeling the cold hard floor hit her bottom feet which sent a shiver up her spine.

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