[Part 2]「Wing it like Witches」

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Students chatted and walked through the hallways, getting ready for their first track today in Hexside High. Some at their lockers going through, grabbing their books they needed and others talked with their friends, waiting for the bell to ring which would announce the first period of today.

And this month was Grudgby season which made some people excited to watch the Grudgby team win another championship for Hexside High. But, as for Sophia Noceda, she didn't quite care for Grudgby this month. It just didn't interest her like it did when she was on the team. If anything, she wasn't going to attend it this month and perhaps concentrate on more important things, like her studies in her Bard track.

Opening her brown satchel, the Noceda girl begins to pull out certain books from her locker for the first-period track, being the Bard track. She quite enjoyed being in the Bard track, it was rather relaxing to produce music with her magic stones that she learned to do from the teacher tutoring her. She placed the books into her brown satchel and took other books from her bag that was from a different track, placing them into her locker for later today as she gently released a small sigh from her lips, still feeling a bit angry about the morning altercation with her girlfriend. Nonetheless, she attempted to push that specific emotion down within her to have a decent day, even though she was certainly exhausted.

After gathering her books, she closes her brown satchel and turns away from the locker, starting to walk away from her locker towards the Bard class but before she could get quite far. A hand grabs her left arm gently, resulting in the Noceda girl to halt in her tracks and spin around to see her Blight Girlfriend standing there with an apologetic expression plastered onto her face. She couldn't lie, It was rather quite satisfying to see the Blight like this, to say the least. Sophia always enjoyed it when someone would look... in their emotions to say if they wronged her in some way. Of course, she did not like her Blight girlfriend being all upset, but right now, she was still angry at her.

"What do you want?" She asked, yanking her arm out of the Blight's grip, glaring at the Blight with a fit of rage built up inside of her eyes.

"Look, I-I'm sorry." Emira apologizes, shifting her hands down and gently grabbing both of the Noceda girl's hands, holding them with compassion. "I-I didn't mean to say those things. I was just being stupid at the moment and not using my words right."

"Being stupid?" She questioned rhetorically with an eye-roll, feeling Emira's thumb softly caress against both of her knuckles which kinda eased her down a little. "Listen, I just need some time alone for now."

"Y-Yeah, of course," Emira replies, watching her girlfriend pull her hands away and mouthed "Thank you" before she spun around to walk away from the Blight and down the hallway towards her Bard track, leaving Emira behind to release a small sigh from her lips.

As she proceeded down the hallway, walking past many students who stepped out of her way, she decided to head into the lady's restroom to refreshing up before going straight to her track today. She presumes her makeup was dissolving which would expose her bags underneath her eyes and she didn't prefer everyone in Hexside to see her look weak. She entered the lady's restroom, moving forward to the mirror just above the small sink as she opened her brown satchel, pulling out her makeup.

Stepping in front of the mirror, the Noceda girl's gaze shifted onto the mirror, seeing her reflection stare back. The same bags that she covered back at the Coven found their way to reappear again, exposing themselves to nearly everyone which she didn't need at all. She opened her makeup and didn't hesitate to start applying some just underneath her eyes gently, looking into the mirror as she leaned over the sink a little to get a decent view. After all, she didn't want to mess up her makeup at the moment. She wanted to get this done quickly and head straight to her track right after.

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