[25]「Divided Sisters」

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"That's correct, Miss Noceda." Principal Bump comments as he leaned forward in his chair and rested his hands down upon his desk. His gaze locked onto the Noceda girl opposite his desk.

"I-I don't understand."

Principal Bump shook his head as he moved his hand and grabbed Sophia's file to place it back into his steel drawer with many other student's files. He then turned in his chair around to face the nine coven tracks that were placed up above. His eyes looked through each Coven track.

"What seems to be hard to not understand, Miss Noceda?" Principal Bump questioned as he crossed his arms while Luz ran a hand through her chocolate brown hair.

"I-I don't understand how this would even be possible. My mother told me my sister has passed away at the age of eight" Luz replied with a little hint of sadness laced in her voice and Principal Bump turned in his chair, facing the Noceda human girl.

"If you want to find answers, Miss Noceda, it's best to question your sister." Principal Bump informed as he placed his hands down upon his desk and stood up. "Now, I've already chosen a track for you to join during our conversation. You'll be placed into the potion track. Now, off to class. I have things to prepare for the inspector."

Without any further discussion, Luz stood up from the chair and nodded her head before turning around and walking towards the door still lost in her thoughts about the whole situation with Sophia. Grabbing the knob of the door, Luz attempted to open the door but was quickly stopped by Principal Bump's voice.

"Oh, and, Miss Noceda."

Turning her head, Luz's attention went onto the principal who stood behind his desk, eyeing the girl. "Yes?"

"It's best to not interact with my star student Sophia today." Principal Bump advised. "I do not want trouble to be caused when the inspector arrives, understand?"

The Noceda human girl nodded her head in response before turning and walking out of the principal office, shutting the door behind her as she stepped into the hallways of Hexside with many unanswered questions on her mind...

Voices filled the hallways as many students prepared for their class. Some students at their lockers grabbing books while others were waiting for the bell to ring as they talked to their friends about random things in their life or whatever.

But as for one specific student known as "Sophia Noceda" She stood at her locker, grabbing her books from the locker to prepare herself for class and not really paying attention to anyone in the hallways, for she wasn't the social type, and being she wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone nonsense today.

After all, she's been dealing with stressful things lately. One being is teaching Boscha Circe after school hours for the whole day which exhausted her. But, she wouldn't allow that to stop her from completing this task given to her by Emperor Belos. Even if she was exhausted. She wasn't the quitting type of person.

Continuing to be stuck in her locker as she placed some books in her brown bag while putting some other books away for a later class while not fully knowing a certain student stood a few feet away from her, staring at her as they gave themselves a small prep talk to approach the Coven witch. Of course, being terrified, to say the least.

𝙒𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙐𝙥𝙤𝙣 𝘼 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧 | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘸𝘭 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 | Discontinued |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin