[30]「Wing it like Witches」

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Morning rolls around, the peaceful couple slumbering in the bed, both snuggling up to each other as the radiant light shines through the barely opened window, beaming its rays on an open area on the floor. The only thing that could be heard was delicate breathing from the two, and distant talking coming from downstairs behind the closed bedroom door.

One of them shifts slightly, moving her head a bit forward to rest on the other chest, softly letting out a slight groan and feeling the familiar hands wrap around her, holding her close as the soft sheet covered both of their bodies from the cold air. The Blight slightly yawns, flickering open her eyes to see her girlfriend laying on top of her, laying her head on the Blight's chest, softly inhaling and exhaling, her chocolate brown hair covering her face from the Blight. She gently moves her hand, pushing the chocolate brown hair out of her girlfriend's face, smiling at the calm Noceda girl.

The Blight couldn't help herself to gaze at her elegant girlfriend, she gently ran her hand and stroked the Noceda girl's right cheek, receiving a small moan from her, bringing a tiny smile onto the Blight's lips. This was the second time the Blight girlfriend spent a night with her, the last time wasn't entirely similar to this. More as friends than anything, both weren't together at that time. But, now, the Blight felt content to know her best friend for four years is laying with her in the same bed fast asleep. Everything just felt like a dream to her and if it was, she didn't wish to wake up.

Moments progress by, the Blight hums gently, continuing stroking her girlfriend's cheek with care, her gaze not leaving her gorgeous girlfriend as the distant chattering downstairs shortly stops for a moment. The sound of footsteps made the stairs creak and it quickly obtained the Blight's attention. Turning her head, the Blight's gaze shifted onto the door, frightened if the individual who was coming up the stairs would be her mother.

"Is Emira up, Amity?!" A distant voice shouted outside of the door, the Blight bit her bottom lip and turned her head towards her sleeping girlfriend.

"Sophia" She whispers, shaking her girlfriend in an attempt to wake her, for she didn't prefer her mother to enter and discover them like this. "Sophia, wake up"

A sluggish groan leaves the girl's lips, shifting her body, the girl's head nudges forward, and snuggles up against the Blight's neck which the Blight rolled her eyes, not needing to get dragged into her girlfriend's adorableness at the second. She really couldn't allow her mother to discover them like this. She would murder her if she caught them both sleeping together with their upper half still exposed to each another.

Shaking her again, the Blight repeated her words a bit more clearly and louder. The girl groans again, shifting her hand up and mashing her fingers against the Blight's lips, hoping she would quit talking and shaking her to wake up. She wasn't prepared to get up from bed, still being drained from last night after all that transpired. It was an eventful day yesterday for the Noceda girl and she craved nothing more than to sleep.

"Shush" The Noceda girl mutters, pulling her fingers from the Blight's lips and resting her arm back down onto the Blight's chest, yawning. "I need sleep"

"You can't sleep any longer. We have... -" Emira begins, thinking of what could get her girlfriend out of bed and get dressed so her mother doesn't come in. "- School! Yes, we have school today. Come on, get up"

"Ugh," She groans, lifting her head from the Blight's neck, flickering her eyes open to meet gazes with the Blight who put on a warm smile to the Noceda girl. "We can't stay in today?"

"Unfortunately, no, Pia," Emira retorts, caressing her girlfriend's cheeks with compassion, leaning in, and plants a tiny peck on her lips. She then pulls away and smiles at the Noceda girl. "Now, come on, let's get dressed."

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