[17]「Protector of Palismans」

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After leaving Hexside High, all four of them eventually approached the Owl House, of course wasting some time by walking because Sophia wasn't going to use Lilith's Palisman to fly all four of them to the Owl House, especially Glandus. She doesn't even like two of them to begin with but she just went along with them to see the famous Owl Lady's little personal Coven. Could be useful for her when the time comes.

Luz opens the door to the Owl House, walking inside with her friends following behind and Sophia entering to take insight and admire the inside of the Owl House but that was soon interrupted by a small little demon running out into where they were standing to come face to face with them, making Sophia eye the little creature.

"Is Eda up?" Luz asks the little creature as the little creature shuts the door behind him.

"Who? Oh." King questions, before he lets out a small chuckle. "That Eda. No, No. She is out like a light."

"Oh, no. I wanted to ask if I could borrow her staff but I know she needs her rest." Luz replies, growing a frown on her face.

Sophia glares at King until she turns around and walks to the door as the bottom of the Palisman hits the floor making a noise. "I'll be outside waiting. It's suffocating in here."

She didn't wait for them to respond as she exited the house, taking in a deep breath, feeling better to be out of that small suffocating house but she mostly wanted to be out of there because she didn't feel like listening to their boring conversation with one another, plus that little creature was quite annoying to Sophia. His voice just pierced her ears, making them want to bleed. Better to wait outside then have her ears bleed.

While waiting for them, Sophia sat on the white Palisman, staring out at the view, getting lost within her thoughts about that certain human again. Something about her just made Sophia feel...strange. Sophia didn't know why but she indeed hated the feeling with every inch of her body. Just made her feel disgusted to have this strange feeling towards this human-like she knows her in a way.

"To Glandus High!"

A voice yelled, pulling Sophia from her thoughts and focus her attention to see that same Human girl shutting the door to the Owl House behind her as she held what looked like the Owl Lady's Palisman in her hands.

When Luz said that, OwlBert flew off of the Palisman, tilting his head at the human girl who held the Palisman.

"Oh! Sorry, Owlbert." Luz apologize. "It's okay. We're just on our way to help some friends."

"Help some friends?" Sophia questioned, eyeing Luz until OwlBert flew to Sophia, hovering in front of her, staring at her. "I presume this is the Owl Lady's Palisman bird?"

Sophia lifts her hand, putting out her finger and OwlBert gently lands on her finger, still staring at the Emperor Coven Witch with those Owl Eyes.

"Yeah," Luz answered, walking over to her, gently smiling. "His name is Owlbert and it looks like he likes you."

Sophia gently moves her hand, petting OwlBert on the top of his head. "Indeed. He's a little cute one."

Soon, Sophia moves her finger with OwlBert on it towards the Palisman that Luz was holding which OwlBert jumps off of Sophia's finger and on top of the Palisman, turning wooden again.

"Let's just hope you can fly that Palisman." Sophia comments, eyeing Luz. "Now, if you like, I can fly Willow and you can have your other friend so it won't weigh you down."

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