[29]「Enchanting Grom」

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The Noceda witch brushes her hair back as her eyes stay stuck to her face in the mirror as she scrutinizes her features, seeing some bags under her eyes. Just seeing herself, made her stomach felt sick to know she looked horrible.

The Noceda witch sighs, tying her hair up into a tight bun, then grab her crutches from the side and stands up from her desk carefully. Her brown bag lays on her desk as she stares into her reflection once more, looking at herself in her school uniform as she held both of her crutches before she leans down and grabs her bag, placing the strap over her right shoulder, not ready for today.

She turns away from her reflection, instead of turning to the book that laid in the middle of the bed, the artwork on the cover faced upwards showing her what book it was. She hasn't opened this book since she and Amity caught Emira, Edric, and the other human girl in Amity's secret hideout in the library. Picking up the book, she sits down carefully on her bed, placing her crutches down. Her fingers hesitantly move to open the book as someone soon knocks on her door. She stares at the book for a minute then turns her head towards her door.

"Enter!" She calls out, turning her body away from the book and towards the door on her bed as she sits properly like the mature lady she is.

Lilith walks through the open door, in her usual outfit, being the Coven outfit that every Coven witches wear to represent the Coven. The elder Coven witch steps into the room, her eyes locking onto the Noceda girl as she gently gives a warm smile to her. But, Sophia couldn't bring herself to return a smile or fake a smile. She just wasn't in the mood for anything... cheerful.

"Are you ready?" Lilith asked, placing her arms and hands gently in front of her as her smile soon vanishes from her lips. "Is everything alright?"

"I'm fine" She replies, grabbing her crutches and stands up from the bed with ease, hiding the truth behind her lie. "And, I'm ready"

"Are you sure everything is fine?" Lilith asked again, stepping forward and placing her hand gently against Sophia's right upper arm as concern filled Lilith's eyes.

The Noceda girl turns her head and her eyes meet with Lilith, seeing the concern in her eyes but Sophia thought it was better to hide the truth. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine, Lilith."

"A-Alright, I just want to make sure." Lilith says with a small smile, then she grabs the brown bag and hands it to the Noceda girl who gently takes it and puts the strap over her right shoulder. "Well, let's get going. Don't want to be late."

The Noceda girl nods her head, standing properly and she begins to walk towards the door with care as Lilith soon follows behind her, a little concerned by the strange way Sophia was acting. But, she thought it was better to worry about that later and focus on getting her to Hexside High for today...

Once the Noceda girl made it to her locker, she pulled some of her books out of her brown bag and placed them into her locker as many students passed by, along with teachers who continued to decorate the school for Grom tonight. She continued to go through her locker, pulling out certain books she needed for the Bard class until she noticed another note within her locker. Pulling it out, the Noceda girl examined it, her eyes scanning over the note that had no message on the front which confused her a bit but she shrugged her shoulders and proceeded to open the note like before when she got a note from Viney Evanora yesterday.

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