Twenty Seven

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My hands worked the keyboard as I followed the tune on the paper. The notes drew out and I started to synchronise the Ryton and how it would match the background singers.

"Living in a high end topal,"

E, F, F, C E G.

"My mommy didn't pay for a legendary Luxury,"

A, C, G, G,

"Just be thankful I didn't mope her."


Caroline lieing on the floor, blood all around her.

Klaus talking to a man in the grill, his eyes twinkling as he laughed at what the man was saying.

Elijah walking into the house and discovering Caroline's body.

Klaus's phone rings, once, twice but he doesn't pay attention as the alcohol around him is offered.

Elijah's troubled and Panicked face as he slams his phone towards the wall and picking his future sister in law up by his arms and flashing out of the house.

Ezra's concerned expression as he followed his brother.

Rebekah in the hospital, waiting for her brother Elijah.

Kol walking down the street looking for Klaus.

Stefan's face as he sees Damon looking at Elena as she talked to a school friend.

My eyes snapped open.


I flashed out of the house and got into my car. Reviving it and heading towards the bar that Klaus was in.

Was he CRAZY? He left his girlfriend in the middle of the floor, blood surrounding her while he talked to a hybrid?!

He's so going to get killed.

Mainly by me.

I have so much anger right now that I can't even comprehend.

The hospital sign was clear for me to see and I spaced myself into a parking lot before running out the car and into the hospital.

When I walked I saw Rebekah sitting on one of the chairs. I sat next to her and smiled supportively.

"How is she?"

Rebekah shook her head with a sad frown. "They said she's been throwing up blood. She has a severe gastritis."

"Omg!" I gasped.

"Have you seen my brother?!"

"Which one?" I asked.


"Wait-" I looked at her. "He didn't come yet?"

"No. That's why I'm worried. He was suppose to be with her."

Where was he? Didn't he give a shit that the love of his life was in hospital? I mean, that's way out of order.

"Have you tried calling him?"

She nodded. "Elijah did, and he didn't pick up."

I nodded in understanding. "Let's just wait for her to get better."

She nodded.

A while later my phone bleeped and I took it out, finding the message.

Where's Caroline?


I smirked at the sentence. This would surely get him up.

Coughing up blood. She was in your house on the middle of the floor asleep on the sticky red blood. Didn't think you'd hate her this much for carrying your baby.

Now she'll know you never loved her.


Yeah, I know. It's harsh, but he was responsible for her! Wouldn't you agree to this I'd you found your bff on the floor sleeping on a pool of blood?

Yeah, didn't think so.

"She's okay, she's fine." Elijah assured Rebekah as he walked out fee room. I sprinted towards the door but he caught my arm. I looked up to see his worried eyes.

"She's still a bit..unconscious. She's lost a lot of blood."

I nodded and walked inside the room.

Caroline was looking at the TV, her stomach had blood on it but she seemed okay, except for her pale and dead looking face.

She used to look colourful and happy. Now she just appeared..


"Hey Gardolf." I greeted her. She smiled my way and patted the bed. I smile and sat next to her.

"How are you?" I asked.

She shuddered. "I'm fine. Just..I feel, not exactly good of bad just..In fee middle."

I nodded in understanding. "Does this have to do with Klaus?"

"What?" She looked confused.

"Didn't you have a fight with Klaus?" I asked.

"No!" She protested. "No, he was worried about me but I just told him to leave and that I was fine."

"Ugh Caroline! You need to stop thinking about other people's happiness for a change! Think about what you want. Not what other people want."

She looked down and was about to say something when we heard shouting.

"I will not be quiet! Where the hell is she!?"

"Niklaus calm yourself!"

"No Elijah! I will not be calm until I have seen her myself-"

And suddenly the doors of the room opened and we were met with a shamed and regretful looking Klaus. His clothes shredded and dirty as he walked towards my best friend.


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