Twenty Four

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"Your bump is getting bigger." Roxy said simply, her eyes on Caroline's stomach.

Caroline raised an eyebrow. "I know Rox. That's because my baby is growing, gosh do you even go to school?"

Roxy opened her mouth, before closing it again.

"I didn't think so. How is Stefano taking it?"

Roxy gave a sheepish smile. "I didn't tell him.."

Caroline's eyes widened. "ROX!"

"Look I'm sorry! It's just, he's sense time and he doesn't take things like that really steady. I told Damon first though, and he promised to keep his mouth shut."







"Why are you lieing?"

"I'm not!"

"Damon wouldn't give a peanut what I do!"

"Peanut? Seriously? Your going to use that?"

"Just shut up and reply!"



Now they were both quiet. Except their thoughts weren't. Scenarios swithered past scenes, flashbacks tripped into memories.

Let's just say, Caroline was not happy.

Even though Roxy has no idea why Caroline hates her brother, and cares for him too, she still did it. Because it was payback for what he did to her.

•°September 25, 1864°•《

Roxy woke up, her eyes fluttered open as the sun pierced her eye. She gave a small whimper before flashing off the ground.

"Did I justt-" but she couldn't finish her sentence.

"Yes. You did."

She whipped around and saw her brothers.

Damon, a black shirt with a tie, and a fedora hat. His trousers were clean black. Ironically, so we're his shoes.

But Stefano only wore a white tank top and some blue trousers. He had blood on his middle top, and a whole could be seen healing itself.

"What happened to us?!"

Damon wouldn't say any hung so she turned to her other older brother, who didn't make eye contact, but replied sourly.

"We're vampires."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "What do y-"

She smelt something.  Something deliciously sweet! And a sudden burst of energy flew into her, her undead heart quickened it's pace. And that's when she smelt it.




But most delicious,


She saw the old man and was cunned to pierce her strong fangs into his neck, but alas, her want was short lived when her brother ran in front of her, or rather sped, and looked at her dead in the eye.

"You will drink from this cup. Blood from the hospital and then you will walk into the shade, and sleep. After that you will not remember any hung that happened, just that we are here for you."

The tears stand in her eyes.

Her own brother had compelled her.

And that's when she realised, Stefano was her favourite.


Roxy looked at Caroline.

"He did what?"

"He compelled me to be his blood bag. And his sex slave. Even though I didn't want it in the first place, he still drank from me."

"Omg.." Roxy had tears in her eyes. "He raped you?"

"Well..He was hot at first but when I tryed to leave when he compelled me he started raping me. I didn't really like it."

That was all it took to get Roxy out of her chair. She got her phone and dialled a number.

"To what do I owe the urgent call sister?"

Roxy smiled evily at Caroline's worried and scarred look.

"I'd need a favour. And it might cause a little..."


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