Twenty Four

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"Hello sister."

Caroline smiled, hugging him and kissing his cheek. "Kol."

Klaus glared at them both.

"What? No hug from my big brother?"

"He is already starting to irritate me." Klaus muttered.

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Ignore him Kol. We came to give you some biiggg news."

He raised an eyebrow. "What? Your turning human?"

She frowned and shook her head. "No. I'm pregnant."

His face lit up. "Really?!"

"Yeah. We found out five days ago."

"You found out five days ago and you didn't think it was necessary to tell me?" He said with a pout.

She laughed. "I thought you already knew, but Klaus told me you didn't so I actually fought to tell you."

He grinned and ruffled her hair. "That's my sister."

Klaus, who was annoyed at their 'intimate' close together, coughed. "Yeah well, we need to go now."

Caroline turned to him with a scowl. "Why must you be so rude?"

He sarcastically smiled. "Because I'm Klaus Mikaelson."

"Arrogant son of a bitch." She murmured, getting up and hugging Kol before brushing past Klaus toward the door of the bar.

Once they were home, Caroline went straight to bed, ignoring the hybrid that seemed to think it was alright to watch TV downstairs.


She huffed in anger.


He smirked. "Yes Caroline?"

She knew he was smirking, she could see his stupid smug smile just plastered on his fickled hot face.

"Turn the TV down, or I will personally come down there and smash it with your face."

He chuckled."Okay." He slowly leaned for the remote, and pressed the  volume button three times.

He then flashed upstairs and saw her sleeping soundly on the bed, her curls placed on her eyebrows. Trying not to make any noise, he languidly brushed them off and hovered the blanket a bit over her stomach.

He kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Caroline."

Short I know. It's just a snippet for my next chapter, which will be longer and more exciting. The reason I'm not posting a lot is because my school days are getting a bit harsher.

My peers, not friends, just peers are having a fight, and basically I'm staying clear of them so my ass doesn't get kicked.  Which is why I am not posting a lot, due to my upgrading and personal appearance.

So please, if you would please share my stories, I would be very very grateful. Because lately, I'm not having much faith in myself as much as everyone else. I'm getting to he point where I'm questioning if my stories are even good enough!

The views are highly appreciated, don't get me wrong, it's just, my writing is going past the point where I need some help in getting support from you guys.

I think, the question I'm rather asking, is..

Do you want me to continue my updates?

Because I can stop. I can just quit like that.

For you.

If your enjoying my stories, then please, comment. Because if you don't, the doubts ill be having will be growing and my thoughts will be driving to fee point of sanity.

Thank you for listening.


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