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Slowly, I walked towards the door, trying not to make a sound. My brothers were asleep and I didn't feel like waking them up anytime soon. And anyway, they would kill me for going out with a boy.

Before I could turn the handle, however, I heard a cough behind me, making me jump and turn around. Startled.

Damon stood by the wall, leaning against it with his hair messed up in different directions and shirtless. His pyjamas were hung low, showing his full stomach and a little bit of his waist.

"You freakin' gave me a heart attack!" I whispered loudly.

He smirked. "Your a vampire, it doesn't really do anything except shock you. And anyway, what are you doing?"

Shit shit shit shit shit..

Come on..think of a lie, my devil said.

"I, uh, I'm meeting Cayren and Lance." I stuttered.

He rose an eyebrow. "Really?"

I nodded.

"Can I come with?"

Hell no.

"Sorry, it's a BFF meeting, or something like that, an they asked me to come so..no."

He feigned hurt, placing a hand on his chest, and then mocked a sad face. "That hurt. I'm your best friend!"

I laughed. "That's funny, but hey, I gotta go."

He shook his head. "Fine, okay, you can go."

I squealed and got out the door, speeding towards my car.

Before I could drive I heard him shout BE SAFE.

Yeah right.


"You came."

I turned around and nearly died. Like literally.

His shirt was so clung to his body I could see his abs teasing me front inside. He smiled at me and I tried to to faint.


He chuckled and then leaned against the wall, the brick wall. It was by an alleyway from the park, it was red and coloured in different types of neon.

"I have to ask you something."

Raising an eyebrow in curiousity, I nodded at him to go on. He cleared his throat before leaning towards me, and then as quick as a flash, I was trapped against the wall.

His arm was led on the stone wall, and his hands at either side of me, and his face really close to mine.

"Are you a vampire?"

And that's when my smile tumbled down.

My heart quickened. "How did you know?"

He licked his lips, so turned on right now, and faced away.

"Nik told me."

Hold on a second.

Who the hell is this Nik guy?


No, no no no.

My senses didn't tell me this.

Maybe he's adopted or something..

We both know it's not true, my devil said.

I looked at him. "Okay then, let me enlighten you. I'm a vampire plus Witch plus a Klaroline fan." Me

"You spoke to Nik?" Rebekah.

"Nik taught me." Ezra.

And now..

"Nik told me."

Ezra again.

I only told Klaus.

My eyes drifted to his. "Are you Klaus's brother?!"

He nodded. "Yes. But I thought you'd have known, since he only spends time with you."


"Spends time with me? I haven't seen him since prank week."

His eyebrows push together. It looks insanely cute now I can't take it. So I kiss him.

I collide our lips together, furiously, and startled to find the spark. The scintillation that holds our feelings just blasted, and got the kiss even more fiery and enthusiastic.

He was confused, but I could feel his lust and care just slipping into the kiss and he waltzed his tounge into my mouth, ignoring the barrier.

The smile he had was all it took for me not to pull away, because..We were both vampires, both immortal, both here, and both wanting the same thing.

He drastically changed the demeanour and created a chemistry to the kiss that shoved it deeper, and making us both lose control.

I pulled away, however, not wanting us to shed clothes into a alley, and a little part of me wanting to talk about this before we moved it into a path that maybe he wasn't ready for.

Our foreheads were held together, tightly, as our heavy breathing split out, and we waited for a bit before he finally broke the silence.

"I have been waiting for this for," he pressed the silence for a second. "Probably since the first time we met."

I laughed. "Me too."

"So, why didn't you make a move."

His eyes pierced into mine, and I know, I knew, that he could figure out a lie from my lips in a second. So I went for the honest approach.

"Damon told me, no boys."

He chuckled, before laughing out loud.

"Your brother I presume?"

I smiled. "Mhm."

He cupped my chin, and pressed a kiss onto the left corner of my lips, savouring the taste before pulling away, although his hand was still intact.

"I want you to meet my family. For dinner. Have dinner with my family." He finally decided.

A grin formed into my face. "Really?"

He nodded with a smile. "Yes. Unless you have other matter to attend to this afternoon?"

Shaking my head, I placed his hand onto mine, loving the warmth it gave me. "No plans. I can come."

He smirked. "It's settled then. You can meet my brothers, and Rebekah, and I'll just wait in the shadows until your brothers think nice of me."

I groaned as he laughed. "That's not funny! My brother can seriously put me in house arrest."

He glance at me. "Then what do you prefer we do?"

I thought for a moment.

"We have dinner with your family tomorrow. Then, I go home, tell them about you and run away." I proclaimed.

He stared at me in humour. "Your joking right?"

I started into a fit of giggles and he broke into a wide smile. "You are so easy!"

We chatted for a few moments before I finally went home, to get ready for the dinner.

But before I could even turn around when I had locked the door, I was greeted with both my brothers. My phone. And both of them in glares.

"Who the hell is Ezra?" Damon asked seething.

Crap. With a capital C.

The Salvatore Sister - The Vampire Diaries FanficWhere stories live. Discover now