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The gang sat down in silence as Elena came in, her smile forming as Caroline scolded her.

"Elena! You said you were going to be early!"

The brunette just laughed. "I had to do something." She excused.

But that wasn't satisfying.

Elena rolled her eyes. "I'm here now, aren't I?"

The smile formed on Caroline's face, quickly forgetting what had just happened. "Yes! So you have to help, go get some toilet paper from the teachers lounge."

Elena nodded and left.

I smiled. This was going to be a day to remember.

The whole reason for my Klaroline ship get to gether was to make sure Klaus turned good, nice, sweet and non killer-ish. And Caroline was the key to that.

I focused on squeezing the honey bottle, letting it plop onto the doors, while Caroline had kiss time with that mutt, Tyler.

"Aren't you two just adorable?" A voice rang out.

The couple stopped and turned, I looked at the new girl in confusion.

Why couldn't I remember?

"And you are..?" Caroline asked.

Suddenly it clicked.

"Don't, Caroline," I faced the new girl, Rebekah. "Rebekah's a vampire. A strong one."

Rebekah looked at me in confusion. "How did you know?"

I smiled. "Had a chat with your brother. Same features and same snooty tone."

"So, you've talked to Nik?" She said.


Wait..didn't Ezra say something about a Nik?

What am I thinking? Ezra said his brother told him jokes. I can't picture Klaus telling anyone in his family a joke.

I nodded. "I may be afraid of spiders but I am not afraid of Klaus."

She seemed interested in my answer, her eyes drifted up and down, before slightly pulling her hand out.

"Rebekah, pleasure to meet you."

I was about to take her hand when I halted.

"Your so going to bite me aren't you?" I asked.

She smirked. "Oh yeah, I am."

She flashed over and bit my neck, gently making me lose consciousness.



I woke up about a 12 minutes after the bite.

I was sitting on the floor.

Caroline laying Tyler's head on her lap.

While I looked at them in disgust.


Seriously! He is the best guy for her, can't she see that? They love each other but are too stupid to notice.

God, Ew.

Tyler is so ugly! I think I'm about to barf!

"She..she has it..," Rebekah started murmuring. "She has, she has my necklace! That bitch!"

I clouded my eyebrows together.

"What the actual fuck are you talking about?" I asked.

She stared at me with a scowl. "That bitch friend of yours has my necklace!" I looked at the photo, she held it in front of me with anger.

Stefan was in the picture, his hand tightly around Elena, a necklace in her chest. It had a sapphire in it and the little winglings on it made it look expensive and old.

She was going crazy over a necklace?


"It's a necklace. What's up with that?"

I should have just shut up.

She got up and held me by the shoulder.

"IT'S MY NECKLACE!" She yelled in my face.

God. Is she bipolar or something?

"It's just necklace, chill out." I muttered.

She threw me on the floor and grabbed Tyler, running to the gym to tell Klaus.

I shook my head at her lame-ability

Caroline flashed after her.

I followed.

We found Rebekah shouting at Elena. Her eyes red and Elena's posture was stiffened, her hand shielding her sides as Rebekah grabbed her.

I stood at the door. Caroline behind me and out of sight.

"Enough with the games sweetheart, where is the necklace?" Klaus asked Elena with a gentle voice.

She shook her head, tears spiraling out. "I don't know, I-I I'm telling the truth,"

Klaus sighed. "Okay, I'm going to make this easier for everyone."

He slammed the button of the countdown and grabbed Tyler afterwards.

"When that timer reaches its end, I want you, Stefan, to bite Elena."


I'm so stupid!

Shouldn't i have remembered?

"And I will give Tyler the blood he needs to become a hybrid."

He flashed off after that but halted.

"What's that scent?" He asked. A shiver ran through him.

"What do you mean?" Rebekah asked.

"I..I can smell her."

He looked around and stopped, his eyes raked to mine.

"Where is she?"

"And you are talking about?" I asked,  knowing full well he was talking about Caroline.

"The girl you speak of. The one I have been dying to meet and will not until I feel ." He said mocking some of my words.

I stepped aside with an amused smile and let him look at Caroline. His eyes full of love.


He loved her?

I thought he had feelings for her.

You know, crush to crush?

Fuck I am messed up.

"Grab her for me Rebekah, take her to the van and stay there with her until I finish the boys' transition." He demanded.

Rebekah scowled. "Why are we keeping he-"

He grabbed her and threw her to the wall. "Now, Rebekah!" His eyes yellow.

She nodded furiously and grabbed Caroline, running off.

I am so dead.

Technically I am really dead so..yeah.

"I saw it," He said, drifting his eyes to mine. "I saw the light."


That's the special feature she has?


"What kind of light?" I asked in a sisterly way.

He smiled. "The light."

I nodded and finally jumped in the air. "Finally! I waited all this time to get you two together and it happened! Whoop!"

Grinning, he shook his head took Tyler, speeding off.

The Salvatore Sister - The Vampire Diaries FanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum