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"I don't know how, it just came to me when I woke up from the dead." I confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked curiously.

I sighed. "I wanted it to be my secret. Something I could keep for myself, because it was awesome, like a superpower and I really needed something to hold on to to show me I'm not crazy."

He nodded, finally understanding my situation. He looked like he was thinking about something before snapping his head up and looking me in the eye. "Did you know you'd meet me?"

I shook my head. "No. You didn't show up on my visions, only Klaus, Kol, Rebekah and Elijah. I saw Finn too. Except, I saw his dead body."

His eyes widened. "He's dead?"

"I guess."

He bowed his head down.

"I'm sorry." I said.

He shook his head. "It's not your fault. It was just..I thought we'd live forever and be a family for eternity."

"You still can be. With the others."

He nodded. "Maybe."

"Hey is Caroline here?" I asked.

"Yes, in my brothers room."

I rolled my eyes. "Obviously." And got out of the room. I stood outside of Klaus's and tryed to open it. It was locked.

I knocked. "Are you going to open the door Klaus?"

There was a few plops and ahhs before he let out a struggling 'go away.'

Annoyed, I slammed the lock and opened the door, jaw smacked as I saw the pair cuddling on the bed. Klaus was kissing Caroline's neck whilst she tilted her neck giving him more access.

Their heads snapped to mine and Klaus sped infront of me, shirtless, with a pair of boxers on.

He was pissed.

"I thought I told you to go away."

Rolling my eyes at his childish demeanour, I pointed at both of them in exasperation. "Haven't you finished sexing her up already? Shes not a mistress!"

"I'm merely keeping her for both our needs. Call it.." he gave a wild grin. "Exploration."

"OMG! THATS SO DISTURBING!" I screeched. He laughed loudly. Caroline giggled from her place on the bed.

"When are you going home Caroline? Your friends are worried about you." I told her.

Klaus cut in. "She can't leave."

I frowned. "Why not?"

"Because her friends wouldn't approve of our courtship. And I already gave her a proposition for a stay here."

My eyes darted towards her. "Caroline?"

She had a guilty look on her face. But when she looked at Klaus, she smiled and shrugged. "I can't go back there. I'm in love. And Klaus is right. They won't accept us being together."

"Not if I've got something to do with it." I said.

Klaus rose an eyebrow, and cockily smiled. "And what are you going to do love?"

"I'm going to bind them to each other, lock them in the boarding house, get a grenade, Barack Obama, and a magazine for my enjoyment, and then I'll bring both of your reviews to your relationship and tell my brothers that if they don't accept you both, I will run away to eastern Europe. Capiche?"

They stared at me in shock. Klaus just smiled.

"And why do you want us to be together so much?" He asked curiously.

I looked at hem as if they'd grown three heads. The answer was so obvious.

"Hello?! You two are fucking sexy together! I've been shipping you ever since I came here. The vibes I get from you both are both entertaining and vivid. Why wouldn't I love you both together?"

Caroline smiled genuinely, but laughed. "Have you seen us? I'm kind and he's rude. I'm a healer, he's a serial killer. He hates pink, I love pink. He hates my friends, I love my friends. He's the opposite of what I am."

He looked upset. "Really?"

She caught his frown and shook her head. "No, I mean, we're opposites."

"Opposites attract." I coughed, ruining their moment.

She smiled then.

"I guess we are good together then."

I smiled. "Well, I'm gonna go, sleep in Ezra's room today, and I'll see you tomorrow?"

She nodded.

Klaus caught first middle of my sentence and stopped me.

"Why are you sleeping over?"

I sighed.

"My brother doesn't approve of my relationship with Ezra."

"Then I'll teach him a lesson."

"Wait, you'd do that for me?"

He nodded. "Your like Rebekah to me, so sure."

A pang of happiness surfaced in my emotions and I grinned.

But then scowled. "Your not going to hurt my brother, even if he doesn't approve of my relationships."

He pouted and closed the door after me, I heard him throw Caroline onto the bed and she squealed.

"I wasn't finished love." He whispered with a smirk.

She giggled. "Then what are you waiting for?" She asked, already undoing his belt. He growled and crashed his lips to hers.

I smiled.

They really are Klaroline.

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