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Many days later..

"He's growing up fast." Rebekah said inspecting her nephew carefully as he played with the sword, thrashing it into the air.

"Yeah. I mean, he was like one years old 3 weeks ago and now he's like a toddler." Caroline mixed the ingredients in the bowl.

Ashton, imagining a pirate standing in front of him, crooked his finger like Captain Sparrow.

"Arghh! My mighty claments! Bugger on and get to work!" He laughed evily and nicked the sword as if he was slicing bodies.

Rebekah looked at her in surprise. "Are you okay with Nik letting him do this?" It was unusual for Caroline to do this kind of thing, she would normally be scowling at the sight of children cutting bodies like Chucky.

Caroline shrugged. "It's fine. As long as he doesn't cut real bodies."

"That would be a sight." Rebekah laughed.

Klaus walked in, and smiled at the sight of his son.

"Daddy! Look, I killed all the pirates like you told me to."

He leant down towards his son and kissed his cheek. "Good lad. How about you go to Uncle Elijah and ask him to buy that pirate movie you like?"

Ashton nodded eagerly. "Thanks Daddy." And scurried off.

"He loves him more than me." Caroline pouted at Rebekah. She scoffed.

"He does not! He finds you better. Trust me."

"I'm right here!" Klaus called from the couch. He walked over and kissed Caroline on the lips softly, his throat surpassing a groan at the taste of her wonderful sweet lips.

She giggled and pulled away.

"You two are just..ugh. Too much happiness. I'm leaving Goodbye." She decided, and took her chocolate biscuits with her.

Klaus looked at the pantry and when Caroline turned towards the stove, aimed to get one, only to get a slap on the hand.

"You weren't looking!"

"Stop being cheeky. And go get yourself ready! We have to get our things ready."

"Why?" He asked confused.

"We're going to see my mother. It's been three weeks."

He sighed and nodded, taking the last bit from her leftover biscuit. She scowled and he just smirked and drew his hands to her waist, crashing his lips to hers.

She managed to hold onto the spoon she was holding when he let her go, swaggering off, his backside sexy and walking.

She took time getting out of her haze and blinked.


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