Twenty One

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"Don't you ever get tired of that!?" Rebekah screeched as she walked inside her brothers room, seeing Caroline and Klaus in a deep engrossed make out session.

The never broke apart so she threw a lamp at them, failing, as Klaus easily caught it, a hand in Caroline's hair, groping it. He was about to kiss her more thoroughly but she pulled away.

"Sorry Bekah." She apologised. 

Rebekah looked at Klaus, who's attention was on Caroline.

Caroline rolled her eyes and thumped him at the back of his head. He snapped and looked around, still dazed from her earlier assault at his mouth.


"Apologise to Bekah."

He scoffed. "For what?"

"We ignored her when she asked for you."

He gave her a are you crazy look, but she just nudged him.

"I'm sorry Rebekah."

Rebekah immediately smiled. "Not that wasn't so hard now was it?"

His expression towards her was seething, and she knew she was walking on thin ice.

"Why are you here Bekah?"

She huffed and pointed at Caroline. "I need a partner to come shopping with me. Avira bailed, Kingston said she had to visit some man with a biever song or whatever,-"

"Justin Bieber." Caroline corrected her.

She gave her a playful glare. "I get it miss Mystic Falls. Anyway! I need her."

He shook his head. "No."

Caroline looked at him in shock.

"You can't tell me what to do Klaus!"

He sighed. "I know that sweetheart, but I don't trust Rebekah with you. Especially on your own."

Rebekah gaped at him. "You don't mean that! You just want to keep her for yourself!"

Angrily, he towered over her. "I had her first and besides, she is my girlfriend."

"Oh so now you want to play that game, well tough! Caroline is coming with me wether you like it or not."

He sneered. "Don't get your panties in a bunch Bekah, go compel a girl from the streets!"

Caroline, fed up of the fight, screeched so loud that they had to put their hands on their ears.

She stopped and looked at Klaus.

"I'm going."

Rebekah laughed at him.

Caroline snapped her head to look at her. "But I'm also going to choose the shops we go to."

Rebekah's jaw dropped. "Not f-"

"Aw aw aw, you brought this on yourself Rebekah." Klaus tutted.

Caroline smacked him. "Stop being so rude." And kissed his pout away before going to the bathroom to change.

Rebekah was about to sit in the bed but Klaus ushered her off. She rose an eyebrow.

"We had sex here. For the past two weeks in a row. Every day. Every hour.  I doubt you'd want to sit on our droppings."

Rebekah's face twisted into disgust. "Ewww!"

He laughed at her.


Rebekah dragged Caroline along to a lingerie shop, her mood lifting with every passing minute. Caroline huffed.

"Why didn't you like it?"

Rebekah scowled. "It looked as if someone had thrown up all over you Caroline,  please do not tell me you actually had a thought to buying it."

Caroline smiled sheepishly.

Rebekah sighed as she switched the rack, looking at a purple frenzied top with melodic patterned details on the side. She took it out and showed the blonde when her head turned to look at her.

"Nu-huh! You need"

Rebekah's eyebrow raised. "Why? I have plenty at home."

Caroline tilted her head. "Really?"

The other blonde averted her eyes.

"There you go! I knew it!" Caroline bloated.

Rebekah shook her head. "It's not what you THINK!"

"Yes it is! Omgggg that it totally hot!"

"You think?"

"Yes. Obvis it's Steffy."

Rebekah scowled. "Okay stop, with the girlgal talk and let me process th- WHAT?"

"You had sex with Stefano."

"No I didn't!"

"Then who was it? It couldn't have been Damon, and certainly not ..oh jesus Lord! You had sex with Matt!"

Rebekah tryed to cover up the redness in her cheeks, but it wouldn't fade, it appeared slowly and Caroline burst into laughter.

Rebekah glared at her and ran out the store, taking the purple top with her.


Caroline sighed, her laughed had died down, and she looked around and cursed when she didn't see Rebekah.

She looked for the top and remembered what had happened a few minutes earlier and she fell into another fit of laughter.

"Oh god.." She swept some of her laughing tears away.


Klaus smiled when he saw his sister come inside, but scowled when he couldn't spot Caroline.

"Where's Caroline?"

Rebekah glared at him and ran up the stairs.

"She's in a lingerie shop. Laughing at me."

He smiled. Oh Caroline..

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