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The door opened and I was glad to see Ezra smile when he saw me, it made me place what happened at home at fee back of my mind.

He greeted me with a hungry kiss and slowly closed the door behind us, before slamming me against the wall, his hands wandering everywhere.

"Is there," I murmured as he kissed my bottom lip. "A reason-" a moan escaped my mouth. "For this tempting welcome?"

He moved towards my neck, a hum escaping his lips before he could stop it, and lifting my coat from my body, wanting to see skin everywhere.

"Your best friend screams loudly when she has sex with my brother." He blurted out when breaking from my neck, before attacking it again.

I laughed nervously, remembering Elena's words from an hour ago.

I haven't heard from Caroline ever since prank week.."

He pulled away for a second, noticing my anxious demeanour, and lifted my chin up with his fingers. "Is there something wrong? You seem a bit..troubled."

"It's just..Caroline isn't being very careful."

His eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. "What do you mean?"

I sighed. "People are noticing that she's missing."

He stepped back a bit. "And who are these, people?"

"Mainly Elena."

"I always hated them."




"They always lead us to great trouble. And sometimes victory but mostly trouble."

"How do they lead you to trouble?"

"Not precisely me, but my brothers. And yours too."


He took my hand, and sped us to, what I must guess as, his room. I haven't really been here so I wouldn't know. It was nice, although his walls had  too many dark pictures. Like the thriller and horror movies you see in the cinemas.

There was a bed, a black and red theme, just as his room is, and his pillow had a great pattern on it, a fired blooded rose, which I think he made Klaus draw.

His wall had his name on it, and again what I must think is Klaus's doing, has a big, bloody, 'Ezra' on it.

I sat down on the bed, and he layed me down with him.

"My brother, Elijah was very enhanced with a doppelganger, her name was Tatia, and she was not very different to Katerina. It all began before our Vampire years.."


Elijah looked at her in pure awe. She was beautiful. Cunning and still, her sight drove him into a merrily state.

He saw her cradle the child in her arms, whispering sweet things in her ear, stroking the child's hairs as if it was precious to her like no other. The image gave him a warm feeling.

He decided to speak to her, surely there was no harm in doing that.

And so he did. And she played him good when he tried to court her the day after.

δ End δ

"And that's how my idiotic big loving ass of a brother feel for miss seductive disgusting wenched doppelganger."

I smiled. It was funny. Elijah loving a girl for her care of a baby. I can't really think of a mere stupid way for him to fall for a girl.

And then something else spiked my interest.


Did he love Tatia? Or did he just find her slutty?

I don't want Caroline's heart broken, and I hate to be the person who watches it all live.

"What about Klaus?" I asked, trying to keep my voice even.

He sighed. "Now that's the easy part. Klaus was a bored guy. He just wanted a lay sometimes, and I'm not saying he actually fell in love love with her, but he did like her.

"They would sleep together behind Elijah's back sometimes, and she had both of them, literally both, wrapped around her little spineless finger. It was infuriating."

"A two timer? God I hate those."

"Well, you'll hate Katherine."

"I already know about her." I said, not realising it slipped out of my mouth.



Crappity Crap.

"Er.." I scratched my forehead.

No way. I can't tell him, it's my secret. It's my advantage here. I don't want my brothers knowing, or either of his, so I'm not telling him.

I'm so going to cave.

"Roxy?" He whispered, breaking me from my thoughts.

"I can read the future!" I blurted out.


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