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I jumped up in hysterics.

"What the fuck Damon!?" I screamed.


Already placed my things in my room and he still won't leave me alone. I know I get it I've been gone for almost 100 years but that doesn't give him the right to be this chargy and scoldy.

"What did you say?" He demanded.

I sighed.

"What the fridge Damon?"

He smiled. "Good one, now get up, change into the clothes my brothers girlfriend bought you and get some breakfast because," He smirked. "You are going to school."

No no no no no.

"What did you say?" I said putting my hand behind my ear.

He walked up to me and held my face in his hands looking at my eyes, deadly. "You are going to school."

I huffed, causing my fringe to fly up and topple down again.

"Such a twat." I muttered as he took out my clothes.

"I heard you." He said in a sing song voice.

I smiled and replied in the same tone he used, in more melody and key. "I know you did."

"Okay, so I was thinking we take you to get a laptop after school and then we could spend the day together."


D|D I just miss something here?

"W-what?" I stuttered.

He glanced at me. "Don't look so surprised, I just found out my sister is alive, you think I don't want to spend time with you?"

I shook my head. "No, I just, you never do that."

He gave me a sad smile before walking over and placing a light kiss on my forehead.

"I love you Roxy."

I smiled softly. "I love you too Damon."

He gave me a nod before taking out his wallet and fiddling with it before taking out some cash.

"I know you don't like compelling people so I bought you some money, allowence as you may call it, for you to use and splash around. But don't think that I compelled a bank because I didn't,  I worked for a job to get it yesterday,  for you."

I nodded, feeling warmth at his care.

"And Rox," I looked up. "No boys."


Is he kidding me?

"No! That's unfair!"

He smiled devilishly. "You have to promise."

I groaned. "But what's the point of living when I won't get a guy to make me feel special? And kiss me when I'm feeling unloved? Or take me to prom and homecoming and dances? What about dates-"

"I said no, now go get a shower and dress." He interrupted me.


"Fine." I grumbled.

He laughed evily and sauntered off.

"What a douche."

I stripped my clothes once I got to the shower and jumped in, clicking the shower button and enjoying the heat from the liquid that poured out of it.

I grabbed the soap and began scrubbing my body and my hair.

I grabbed a towel after and dried myself before putting on the clothes Damon had layer out for me, my mouth quivering into a smile.

I got my make up and put it on, dried my hair and finished it.

"God I'm hungry." I moaned.

So I walked downstairs and found Stefan sitting on the couch kissing some kind of, er,  wait ..



She looked up and frowned before smiling.

"I'm not Katherine, my name is Elena. You must be Stefan and Damon's sister."

"Uh, yeah. The names Roxy. Short for Roxaline." I said with a smile.

She nodded and sat down.

"Good morning Stef." I greeted as I sat in his lap and kissed his cheek before ruffling his hair.

"Morning Rox, and don't touch the hair."

I groaned before getting up and walking to the kitchen. I found food layed out on the table, a blonde and a black haired guy.

"Hey strangers." I called. The blonde looked at me and smiled in a friendly way.

"Hey, I never knew the Salvatore brothers had a beautiful sister!"

I like her already.

I smirked. "I didn't think bad about you either." I gave her a handshake before turning to the guy.

"And this is..?"

"Tyler. Her boyfriend."


Klaus is so much better.

Oh shit.

Did I forget to mention that I know exactly everything that's about to happen?


I still think Klaus is better.

"Yeahh,  I don't like you." I said simply.

He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean, your the problem Klaroline won't happen."

He looked at me in frustration.

"What are you talking about!?"

I sigh. "Basically, there is this guy that is perfect for Caroline and your in the way. Simple."

I could see his fore vein pop.

"Who is this guy?"

"He'll show up, I don't want to shake the surprise. I'm actually excited to see him, you know? He is soo cute! So dangerous."

Caroline looks at me in confusion.

"Look, just break up with this mutt before the day of Prank Week. I'll be doing you a huge favour." I said smiling.

Tyler looked furious. "Who the fucking are you talking about!?"


He flashed next to me in seconds.

"What's up little sis?"

I point at Tyler. "He's being a pain, please get rid of the mutt."

He nods.

"Wait! Keep Caroline." I said flashing her a smile.

She smiles slightly, puzzled.

I'm here to bring Klaroline to a TOP.


After a few minutes I'm ready to go to school, Elena walks me to the car and we flash Stefan and Damon a grin.

"Bye Biatches!" I shout as I drive the car before they can get me.

Paybacks a bitch.

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