Chapter 15

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We walked into the dining room,everyone stood up to my surprise,is Katrina somehow the Luna?

Hearing a chuckle in my mind made me frown,I glared at Alec only to have him give me an innocent smile.

Moving to sit beside katrina I walked towards her,but she put a purse on the chair signaling I can't sit there,I frowned what's gotten into her? I looked around for a seat only to see the only empty seat is right beside Alec.

I could see he was struggling not to smirk,huffing I made my way towards him,I don't know where this boost of courage came from but also it could easily be stupidity.

Reaching him I sat in the empty seat,as soon as my bum touched the chair everyone sat down,Alec smirked 'Stop that' I mind linked him annoyed,'Stop what?' He asked feigning innocence.

I huffed in annoyance,the chef came into the dinning room and covered the whole table with food that I could only dream of eating in my dreams,my mouth watered as I looked at the bacon and sausage.

Alec served himself and got another plate and filled it up with a little bit of everything there and put it in front of me.I smiled greatfully at him in which he returned with a smile of his own.

The pack members served themselves and talked quietly among them,I looked around the dinning room as I ate,I noticed there were more than one long table there seem to be a lot of people in here I hadn't even noticed before.

I felt an intense stare making my body heat up,I turned around to see Alec staring at me,I blushed under his intense stare,shaking his head he turned away his cheeks tainted pink.

'You are blushing' I mind linked him in a teasing voice,'No I'm not!' He replied his cheeks red,I smirked "You are totally blushing"I said aloud before I could think of what I'm saying.

He mumbled something too low for me to hear,"What was that?was that you admitting you were blushi-"I started to say only to have alec stop me by capturing my lips with his.

Now that's a way to effectively shut a girl up.

I kissed him back before I knew what I was doing,I put my hands on his shoulders to stop me from falling,my knees were wobbly at the kiss,even though I was sitting,I felt like I could fall out of my chair anytime soon.

Alec pulled me close to him,deepening the kiss.I reeluntanly pulled away making alec growl at me,I was panting as though I just came from a marathon–and no not the TV marathon kind–i realized the whole pack had stopped talking looking at us in shock but they had an excited look in their eyes.

They turned to each other grinning,I suddenly heard whispers in my head,whispers that aren't mine,it felt like a thousand bees were buzzing in my head.

Alec looked at me with worry and glared at the pack members,they didn't seem to notice as they were too busy staring at each other excitement in their eyes.

'ENOUGH!' A powerful voice I realized was Alec's boomed through my head with authority.The whispers quieted down making me sign in relieve,they all looked shocked,they lowered their heads when they saw the glare Alec shot at them.

Breakfast was ate in silence,an awkward silence might I add,I hated awkward silences it was too awkward.'say something' I mind linked Alec.'what do you want yo me to say?'He asked me,'first why did you kiss me?'I asked confused as to why he keeps kissing me.

'I will tell you later'he said smiling,I frowned at him,'why not now?'I pressed on,signing he looked at me with so much desperation. I signed,'ok we will talk about this later' I said turning away from him.

'Come on we have a meeting to go to' He mind linked me when I finished all my food,'We?You mean YOU have a meeting to go?'I asked staring at him as though he just sprouted a third eye.

'Yes we, now come on' he said in a hurry grabbing my wrist and pulling me up,sparks flew up and down my arm,my wrist was on fire.

I signed in pleasure, his eyes darkened before he shook his head letting go of my wrist much to my disappointment,I stood next to him as he shouted with so much authority ''You are dismissed if done with your breakfast'',a couple of werewolves got up and left.

He grabbed my wrist again and tugged me towards the large door leading out of the dinning room.

Argh this is so short,I how you enjoyed it though.

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