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"Hurry!"A girl with hair the color of freshly spilled blood, yelled, leaping from tree to tree.

"I'm trying my best"Another girl shouted,her agitation showing through her panting, as she tried in vain to gracefully land on each tree.

"Well you are not trying har-"The red headed girl stuttered to a stop as a piercing scream that sent shivers down her spine sounded through the silent night.

Eyes widening in disbelief, then terror, she stopped at a tree, turning as she tried to make sense of what was going on.

Tears of horror filled her eyes as she watched a wolf tear apart the body of her companion.

The greens and browns of the forest bled together as she continued her journey,her muffled sobs and her near silent feet the only sounds present in the forest.

When  her muscles seized and she stumbled as a result as she sensed the wolf tailing her, well there was no one there to reprimand her for it.

Letting lose a small wail of despair, she continued on her way, jumping up to meet the next tree in her path, only to gape in surprised horror as the ground rushed towards her face.

A few inches from the ground, the contradicting mess of panicked and numb that was her mind, then came to the conclusion in a passing thought, that she had misjudged the distance, her blurry eyes having played a role.

The cracks and the muted thud echoed in her sensitive ears as she landed, body embracing the undergrowth.

Her muscles locked, and her aching body pulsed once, twice and never again, as they were paralysed, a result of her neck twisting upon her awkward landing.

Having finally caught up, the wolf's claws made quick work of her broken body, long strips of flesh coming undone by the sharp claws, mutilating the whimpering and barely living girl.

She had tried in vain to cover her terrified screams , in hopes the wolf will leave and let her heal, but found soon enough, the wolf knew no mercy.

Her panicked screams echoed around her, slowly morphing into ones of pain as her healed muscles unlocked.

The unmoving trees and the wolf the only ones to bear witness to her untimely demise, one a silent bystander and the other a participant.

Red colored the greenery, and matted her brilliantly colored hair, blending among the strands of similar red. It stained the once muted barks of the trees and flowed around her, a river of wine.

In a display of savagery, the wolf's claws dug into the female's chest cavity, ripping out the no longer beating heart, and shredding it.

Lips curling up in satisficafion,it turned it's head up and howled it's triumph into the wind.

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