Chapter 25

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I return to my pack fuming,who the fuck do they think they are?!?trying to take away my one pride and joy.Knowing how angry I am, the pack members stayed out of my way.

I was still fuming when I made my way to my room,I was a bit hopeful too,if I meet Audrey in my room maybe her presence will calm my wolf and I.

'Yeah right'i heard max snort in the back of my mind where max had taken refuge,I frowned confused as I took the stairs three at a time.

Instead of asking max what he meant I decided to just go on and head towards my room.

I entered my room with a sign of relief and fell onto the bed,taking deep breaths I tried to calm my beating heart.It was pounding in my ear like a drum.

I closed my tired eyes taking in more mouthfuls of oxygen,I adjusted my position on the bed and laid there comfortably my mind blank.I had no idea what to make of the information my dear father left me.

I turned towards the door as I heard the creek of someone opening it,straightening up into a sitting position I focused my sharp eyesight on the door.

Slowly it opened,I heard a whisper on the other side,inhaling in I caught audrey's sent and frowned.I lowered myself back on the bed and closed my eyes feigning sleep.

"I'm not sure"Audrey whispered in a very low voice I might not have heard if it weren't for my enhanced hearing."I should just force it!"she whispered, I could hear the anger in her voice.

I almost frowned in confusion but quickly corrected my mistake by holding a professionalized blank face.

"I know! But it should have made-"she was cut of from her urgent whispering by a loud knock on the door that almost burst my eardrums.

"ALEC!!!"I heard Katrina shout in a desperate plead,I wished I could open my eyes and see what was wrong with my sister.

There was an ear shattering scream and it fell silent as if nothing had happen, my heart was in my throat now,I felt lightheaded.

My sister! ,I jumped out of my bed and turned to face a white faced Audrey,I gave her a menacing glare as I tore the door open.I spotted blood on the floor.

The color in my face drain to the color of freshly fallen snow,with my heart pounding I tore down the hallway to the first floor.I spotted a deep brown wolf with blood caked fur it seems to be red, running towards the forest.

With a terrifying growl I changed into my brown and black wolf,with a warning howl I tore after the wolf you would have thought my tail was on fire.

I bolted after the wolf my heart pounding in a rhythm with my steps my eyes on the blood wolf.I narrowed my golden eyes as I noticed the wolf switched course.

I yelped as I crashed into a tree,groaning I jumped right back up my eyes darting about,I couldn't see the blood wolf anywhere.Sniffing the air I also noticed there was no scent.

'Witches'Max said,'Thanks captain obvious' I retorted directing my anger at my wolf,'No problem surgent sarcasm' Max shot back.

I turned my attention back to the problem at hand,that wolf shouldn't have been able to outrun me.Either it's an alpha wolf or is taking help from witches or even drinking vampire blood.

Although deadly to drink, if taken with the right amount of caution it will strengthen the drinker,it is known to be very addictive.I,myself have never consumed it.

Very agitated I stalked back to the pack house,Jacob my third in com and running towards me as I entered in wolf form.

'Alpha they took her!'he mind linked me his eyes widened in fear and panic was written right on his face.

Taking calming breaths,'Gather the warriors,make sure every pack member is save in their rooms,parents would attend to their children while the warriors meet me in my office' I said authority radiating from my words leaving no room for argument.

My beta was currently attending to what needs to be done already knowing what had happen he took charge of the pack while I laid on my lazy ass and let my own sister be taken.

They play dirty? We will play even dirtier, this is War,and I plan to win.

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