Chapter 31

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Cassandra's POV

The shock from what I had said was still there as I laid on my back staring at the plain ceiling.My stomach growled with a different type of hunger.My eyes prickled a bit as I felt my eyes change to a chilling blue.

A knock on the door made my lips curl back into a sadistic smile.

Dinner is ready.

I flew towards the door and opened it.My fangs unsheathed as I smelled tiger blood coming from a backpack dangling in front of me.

Raising my eyebrow I stared at the man holding the backpack in hunger,he met my gaze with his cold gray eyes.

Shoving the backpack toward me he said in a chilling voice,"the alpha asked me to deliver this."

I smiled a small seductive smile as I looked at him through my eyelashes,"Oh really?"I purred.The man visibly gulped as he shifted slightly,it would have gone unnoticed had I not have sharp eye sight.

"Yeah"he said his cold voice wavering as he tried to crush his lust for me.I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes as I noticed a slight bulge forming.

I took the backpack from him and turned around with a hairflip,I took a small step my eyes set on my bed.


The air around me shifted as I sensed the werewolf moved,I bit my lip pretending I hadn't noticed.A second later I was pinned to the hallway wall,fluttering my eyelashes a small smile made it's way to my lips.

The man stared at my lips,as i predicted his lips crashed down onto mine,his muscled body pressing into me.

He kissed me furiously with dominance,but it was nothing compared to my kiss with Alec.

Wait what..

I kissed back a bit hesitantly, to be honest I really didn't want to do this but I had to ,to show the alpha that I did not hold any interest for him.

The man was ripped off me abruptly,my eyes flew open. A grin made it's onto my face as I took in Alec's pissed off form,he had a piece of paper crushed in his hands as he pinned the werewolf to the wall.

Hmmm looks like the alpha is a little jealous, interesting.....

"Is Alec jealous?"I purred,his eyes snapped to me and then back to the man pinned against the wall.His eyes widened slightly before he released the man."Get out of my sight we will discuss this later"he growled at the man.

I shivered pleasantly at the authority rolling off him and blanketing me.The man practically bolted from us.Alec glared at me as I walk into my room with the backpack in hand.

Following me he leaned against the wall and kicked the door shut.I opened the backpack to reveal several packets of tiger blood.

"How did you get tiger blood?"I asked not looking up.He was silent for a moment before he answered with a growl.

"I have my ways"

Rolling my eyes a bit,I took out a packet of blood and teared it open with my fangs.After a minute of inhaling in the aroma I assured myself it was safe to drink.I took a tiny sip just to be save before I gulped it all down.

Alec fake gagged as I took another packet and went over the same routine.After ten more packets I was satisfied and finally raised my head to meet Alec's curious gaze.

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