Chapter 37

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My whole body was aching,I groaned softly as I lifted my head,I tried moving my hands but I couldn't. I was chained to a post and the whole place was dark,dirty and smelled horrible.Blood had pooled around my feet,but I didn't know where the blood had come from,I could only hope it wasn't mine.

Hearing a set of footsteps,I squeezed my eyes shut as an overwhelming amount of fear gripped me,"put her under"a husky male voice said.I felt a pinch on the side of my neck and started to struggle as I felt something enter my bloodstream.

My movement went from jerky to sluggish.My eyes tore open with a gasp,they were wide withlingering fear,"Are you alright?"a man in a white lab coat asked me."where am I?"I said in a whisper,"You are in silver Luna's pack hospital"the man said

"What happened?"I asked my voice coming out as a croak,my throat was parched and it felt like I had trekked through four deserts without single drop of water to drink.

My whole soul and body felt battered and bruised and my eyes could barely focuse on one thing,everything swam in and out of my vision and it was dizzying trying to focused.

"You're probably thirsty"said the man,who I had quickly assumed must be the pack doctor.I nodded weakly,he walked over to a small fridge on the other side of the room and opened it,I heard him sigh as he took out a packet of blood and one bottled water.

"I wasn't quite sure what you were thirsty for,so I got you both"he said scratching the back of his head seemingly nervous."Thanks"I croaked and took both the blood and water.

Opening the bottle with shaky hands, I took a sip and almost moaned as it sooth my parched throat.After a lengthy drink, I tore open the blood packet and drank like my life depended on it,which it probably did.

Someone interrupted my drink,surprise surprise,it was the alpha. He looked terrible,dark circles had made camp under his eyes and his mouth was etched in what seemed like a permanent frown.

"You're awake"he said a hint of a smile showing up on his tired face,"You look terrible"I said bluntly,he chuckled, his eyes brightening slightly.

"you're one to talk"he said,"well I'm the one in the hospital"I said rolling my eyes as I eagerly sucked on a second blood packet.
He sighed and then straightened up,"We need to talk cassandra"he said.
A/N:Sorry it's short.

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