Chapter 4

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"Come on Jonas must be waiting"Jane whined dragging me,I rolled my eyes at Jane.

"Jane he's not going to go anywhere without seeing you don't worry,besides dad would probably nail his shoes on the floor to keep him from leaving"I said chuckling as I remembered when my dad had nailed Jonas's shoes on the floor when he had attempted to bail on he and Jane's first date.

"Yeah that's why we need to hurry up"Jane said as she continued dragging me,I huffed in annoyance.

We finally reached our big house and no it isn't a mansion but it is quiet large.

I snatched my wrist from Jane's iron grip before running up the stairs to get to my room.

It took me three seconds to get to my room with the help of my supernatural speed of course.

I flunged open my door as I reached my room,I smiled before flying unto my bed.

'This flying thing is not that bad at all' I thought as I laid down on my bed.

My eye lids started to get heavy as I laid there I let out a sign before letting sleep catch up to me.


Being awoken by the feeling of falling is the worst way to wake up.I jumped out of my bed only to be meeted by a laughing Jane and an amuse Jonas standing beside my bed.

I glared at both of them before moving to get back in my bed.

"Ha ha so funny i'm laughing my fangs off"I said sarcastically glaring at Jane.

"Ok come on get put of bed you need to get to school"Jane said as the laughing subsided.

"No i don't, today is no school"I said throwing the blanket over my head in hopes of blocking out my annoying sister and her equally annoying beloved.

'A match made in heaven' my mom had said ,At that time I had just rolled my eyes and said 'well it is a match made in heaven'
'It's a saying'my mom laughed as I had given her a confused look.

Now I know what she meant,it truly is amazing how my sister and Jonas are alike.

My sister ripped the blanket off me with supernatural strength tearing my blanket as she did.

"Another blanket murdered by Jane the monster"I mumered annoyed.

I got out of the bed and grumpily made my way towards the bathroom beside my room.

My clothes...

I grunted before returning into my room,I threw open my closet door with so much force i'm surprised it didn't come off it's hinges.

I looked into my closet,clothes were on the floor along with hangers and of course bra's.

Who said only teenage boys had a messy closet/room? My closet was littered with so much clothes I wasn't sure it even had a floor to begin with.

I pulled out skinny jeans and plain white shirt,I made a move to walk out of the room.

Don't forget the undergarments.

I facepalmed myself before getting back to my closet and getting my undergarments.

This is going to be a long day.

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