Chapter 20

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"she's will be sleeping here from now on"I said,"And why is that?"Katrina asked narrowing her eyes at me.

"You won't even wait for your mate?what will she think of you when she finds out you mated another girl?!"Katrina yelled standing in front of me a scowl on her face.

"Katrina!,don't you dare talk to me in that tone!I might be your brother but I am still your alpha!"I yelled irritated with both myself and her.

Breathing heavily she tried to calm herself down,her eyes were slightly gold indicating her wolf almost took control.

Out of nowhere she ripped off my sheets and blanket and stomped towards my closet,emerging out she carried a baby blue sheets and blankets and made my bed.

I stared at her surprised,"What was that for?"I asked looking at the bed then back at her."I refuse to sit on a bed the slut have been on"She scowled at me before sitting down on the newly made bed.

I stared at her for a minute or two before sitting beside her,"Kat I have to tell you something"I said slowly not wanting her to explode in anger.

"Go on"She said in a calm tone making me relax,Gulping,"Audreyismymate"I said as fast as I can taking a deep breath.

"Come again"

"Audrey is my m-"Katrina eyes widened,"Audrey is my mom"I said cringing at the thought itself.

Katrina raised an eyebrow at me,signing I said,"Audrey is my mate",Katrina gaped at me like I had said I was gay.

"She's what?!?"she shouted more confuse than angered,"I said she's my-"I started to say but was cut of by Katrina's annoyed voice.

"I know what you said I'm not deaf!"she huffed,"are you sure she is I mean you and-"she said but was not interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

What's up with all these interruptions?

"Alpha Alec there is a bit of a problem"Brandon my beta said in a panicked tone.My eyes narrowed at this,opening the door i was met with a girl with a pale complexion.

"Vampire"I growled startling my already nervous beta,the strange thing is this vampire had blood red eyes.

No not the one you get after a day of crying,it was her eye color that was blood red,she scowled at me after taking in my appearance.

"Why did you bring it to my door?"I said not bothering to hide my disgust,from where Katrina was peeking I heard her gasp before she quickly covered her mouth as though it wasn't her.

"I didn't know you were blind along with being stupid"The vampire said with venom laced in her voice obviously talking about how I had call her an it.I smirked at how I made her angry only to growl as her words registered in my brain.she snickered at me finding it amusing.

"Awe is the big bad alpha mad?do I need to get his mommy?do you need a juice box to ease your anger?"she said with a smirk on her face.

All I wanted was to wipe that smirk of her face,I turned to Brandon who was shaking with silent laughter,a glare from me shut him up"why is did you bring this creature to my door?"I asked angry at him.

Clearing his throat he said in a nervous voice,"I found her in here and couldn't get her to the dungeons without anyone seeing her,I thought I should bring her here since your room was the closest room."

My eyes widened at that,"How did you get here?"I asked  turning towards the vampire,she looked confused as I was,but quickly replaced it with a blank mask.

"Do you think I'm stupid?Why would I tell you how I got here?so you could guard there,what do you take me for?"the vampire said without emotion.

"Well you are stupid to sneak into a pack house full of werewolves"I said snickering, the vampire scowled at me.

"Take it to the dungeons"I said turning to go back into my room,"Wait!"the vampire started to say but I ignore whatever she wanted to say.


Hi (^.^)

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