Chapter 28

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Audrey smiled a charming smile as she walked around the garden beside the pack house,she was having fun with being Luna.

So far she had gotten three pack warriors to carry her suitcases and the alpha's personal chef to prepare her a private meal.But of course being known as Luna also have it con's.

Like for example she couldn't mess around with any pack members in fear of being told on to Alec.

Signing she decided to go back Alec and hopefully seduce him into mating her.She still didn't understand why Alec wouldn't mate with her 'it's probably some bullshit excuse'her wolf Samantha said without hesitation.

They both knew Alec was just trying his best but they were both impatient,"Did you hear?"A small child like voice said making Audrey stop in her tracks.

Of course being a natural eavesdropper her first thought was hide and listen,So she did just that,she jumped behind a bush and peared through the branches.

There stood two girls, thirteen or twelve years old but Audrey didn't really care about their age all she wanted was some gossip."No what happened?"The other girl answered,"Well the alpha's sister, you know Katrina?"the other asked.The other girl who was tan with golden brown eyes, long lashes and silky smooth blond hair nodded.

"Well today she got kidnapped, the alpha was going crazy I heard he headed towards the vampire's 'prison'"the other girl who had fiery red hair, peircing green eyes and a golden brown tan said it all in one breathe.

Audrey's eyes widened as she heard this,not wanting to waste even a second she bolted out of the bushes towards the entrance of the pack house. Which fortunately for her was close.

She shoved her way upstairs only stopping to pant when she reached the top of the stairs,she sticked her nose up and tried to smell where Alec was.

After about thirty minutes she reached a door with small dents In it,she looked around only to see she was surrounded by guest rooms frowning she studied the door in front of her,wanting to go for a more dramatic effect,she kicked the door open.


Alec had to thank his lucky stars for catching Audrey's scent earlier and pinning the vampire to the wall other than the other way around.

His eyes widened as the door was kicked open,any trace of lust had long vanished and now all he could feel was the guilt of cheating on his mate.

Alec composed his face into a blank expression although he was having a hard time with all the guilt weighing him down.

Audrey strutted in with her head high,Alec had to admit,audrey didn't have the grace of a Luna wolf but he could care less about that.

He smiled as audrey walked over to him,"Alec babe what'chu doing here with that piece of filth?"Audrey asked in her overly bubbly voice.

"This peice of filth is how I plan to get some things done,now audrey be a good mate and wait for me in the bedroom"he said making sure to keep his tone emotionless.

The vampire looked between the two amused and envious, she wished she could have her beloved, she could only hope he isn't dead.

Audrey took a step towards alec and the vampire, taking a deep breath,she raised her hand and bitch slapped the vampire.

The vampire was too shocked to retaliate, alec had not been expecting so had being late in stopping it.

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