Chapter 40

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Recap:Last time on the vampire's mate,Due to some pretty incriminating realizations,Cassandra found out her sister,her only link to her old life might be a traitor,how would she take this news,would she see the good in her sister or will she shun her and believe the words of a werewolf?


Alec was with her, cozying up to her and he has the nerve to ban me from her room.I get that last time the two of us were together i slapped her, but she deserved it, she was cozying up to my mate i had every right to rip her filthy little claws off him.

"Are you alright, Luna?"One of the pack members asked, a constipated look on his face.

Turning my nose up, i looked down on him, "Make yourself useful and get me a glass of water"I said instead, hand going to my stomach as i felt it twist. Maybe i shouldnt have ate that cinnamon bun.

The pack member stared at me blankly then looked down to my hands.

"What?" I snapped out, "Do you dare disobey your luna?"I seethed glaring at him now.

"N-no"He stuttered out, eyes widening in realization before he high tailed it out of the room.

"The nerve!"I huffed.

"Sounds like your filth's learned a new phase" Came the very voice I despised.

"And it sounds like you've learned none since birth"I retorted spinning around to glare at her, but my look immediately softened when i saw who was hanging around her only to harden as i realized who was hanging out with her

"Aren't you supposed to be dying?"I growled out as i turned back to her glaring daggers.

Her lips curled up in a slightly strained mocking smile, but she didn't reply. My win.

"Alpha"I purred to Alec, "You might wanna step aside, wouldn't wanna get slut all on you"

"With you i should be immuned"Alec muttered. No, he probably said something else, i am his mate after all.

Leaning in close to him, i whispered into his ear, letting my breath fan against his ear, "Why don't we go into the bedroom and complete the bond, babe"

He shuddered and i withheld a self satisfied smirk.

"I can't, i have things to do" Alec replied nudging me away from him.

I felt a flare of annoyance and a growl bubbling up in me, "What could be more important than completing this bond we were gifted with" I hissed out.

"If you can recall, i have a sister to find" Was that a dry tone he was using with me??

"To hell with your sister!"I screeched, the annoyance multiplying and spreading.

"Watch your tone with me! I am still your alpha!"Alec growled, eyes flashing.

My hands clenched by my sides, but i backed down, very aware of the danger.

I spun on my heel and strutted away, i will not look like a weakling in front of the filthy little vampire.

"Trouble in paradise?"I heard her pipe in and i suddenly had the urge to rip out her throat.

A/N: I bring cookies, please don't hurt me...?

I know it seems like i've been dead for a while, but i'm not dead and i do have an excuse.I have been suffering from the very deadly disease of writers block and i hope all of you can forgive this short chapter and even longer wait.
Please let me know if you think the story doesn't sound as it used to, i've been gone a long time after all.
Kudos to all of you, who are still sticking with me, i will try my best to continue this story.

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