Shenanigans on field trips

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Appa's tail pushed down, building speed as the mini-group soared rapidly through the sky. Finally, an island appeared on the horizon, with impressive ruins soon coming into view.

"Woah!" Aang and Zuko said in unison.

"Hey, Mangy, check this out!" Amaya said excitedly.

Mangetsu didn't stir at first but eventually rolled over with a sigh and peered over the edge of the saddle.

His eyes widened, and the usual harsh lines of his typical scowl gave way to wide-eyed wonder.

"Wow," he breathed.

"Even though these buildings are ancient, there's something familiar about them," Zuko said as Appa soared past one of the crumbling towers. "I can tell the Fire Sages' temples are somehow descended from these."

"Okay, so we learned something about architecture," Aang said cheerfully. "Hopefully, we'll learn something about firebending too. The past can be a great teacher."

"I'm not sure if it sounds like you're trying to convince yourself or me," Amaya commented.

"Mangetsu, what do you think?" Aang questioned.

"I think you're trying to convince yourself," he said, still absently staring out over the ruined city.

"No, I mean about the Sun Warrior civilisation," Aang sighed.

"Oh, uh... it's... impressive?" he awkwardly glanced away from the city.

Appa landed, and they climbed off the bison and started walking through the city. Aang's foot caught on something, and Mangetsu's hand shot out and grabbed the monk's shirt and pulled him back just as the ground opened under his foot.

Amaya comically fell into the hole with a fake scream before popping back up.

"Oh my gosh... It's a trap!"

"Nice catch, Mangetsu," Zuko said while Aang took deep breaths.

"Zuko, I think the past is trying to kill me," Aang said dramatically.

"That does tend to be something the past does," Mangetsu deadpanned.

"Good to see you're back to normal," Zuko chuckled, kneeling to investigate the wire. "Wow, this booby trap-"

"HAHA! You said trap," Amaya chortled.

"Don't be a child," Mangetsu sighed.

"This trap..." Zuko said pointedly at a still chortling Amaya. "Has to be centuries old. I'm amazed it still works."

Mangetsu crouched and looked at the wire carefully. 

"Ancient traps using tripwire would have died long ago - the elements would have corroded any metals or frayed typical ropes. Especially with the tension required to make them effective. This material is fairly new - not an ancient trap, or at least, it's one that has fairly recently been maintained."

"But who would need to trap an ancient, abandoned city?" Aang questioned.

"That's a good question," Mangetsu stood up, his hand reaching for the hilt of his katana, only to twitch when he remembered it wasn't there.

"Here," Zuko handed the boy the black scabbard. "Thought you might need it if something was to happen, and I noticed you left it behind."

Mangetsu looked conflicted for a moment.

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