That just sounds dirty

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Zuko hadn't seen Mangetsu or Amaya for the rest of that day or even the next morning when he went to see Aang.

Aang had seemed surprised to see him bandaged up too, and when questioned on what had happened, Zuko said he wasn't sure.

He and Katara had been... talking... and something happened which seemed to set Mangetsu off. It was almost like he was possessed, and it took a little effort for Zuko to rip the sword from the boy.

"Look... I don't really know what happened, but Mangetsu's been avoiding me since then," Zuko said. "Can we just... get to your training?"

Aang sighed. "I guess..."

"Ok," Zuko released a pent up breath. "Let's start."

Aang chewed his lip nervously.

"I know you're nervous," Zuko said calmly. "But remember... firebending in and of itself is not something to fear."

"Ok," Aang sighed, though still looked hesitant. "Not something to fear..."

"But if you don't respect it," Zuko folded his arms and raised his voice. "It'll chew you up and spit you out like an angry komodo rhino!"

Aang yelped in surprised fear.

"Now show me what you've got," Zuko said. "Any amount of fire you can make."

Aang took a deep breath as if to steel his nerves. He then jumped forward to produce a small cloud of smoke which dissipated quickly. He grinned sheepishly to Zuko while Jin and Muteki laughed.

"Maybe I need a little more instruction?" Aang suggested. "Perhaps a demonstration?"

"I mean... You've been travelling with two firebenders this whole time," Zuko said with a shrug. "I can't imagine how much more demonstration you need..."

"Jin and Mog are good, but they're not masters," Aang pressed.

"An ego trip, that's a new tactic."

"Who said that?" Aang jumped defensively.

"Oh my goodness, he can hear me."

"Where did you disappear to? Mangetsu's a mess, and you just-"

"Hush now, Zuko, teach the young padawan the ways of fire."

Zuko glared towards something that apparently only he could see, then took up a bending posture.

"Alright, Aang, you might want to take a few steps back," Zuko suggested.

"Uh, right!" Aang scooted back a little and watched carefully.

Zuko then took a deep, careful breath and lunged forward. A small and rather comical burst of fire poofed from his fist, and he recoiled in shock while Aang applauded, and a disembodied voice laughed hysterically.

"What was that?!" Zuko demanded. "That was the worst firebending I've ever seen!"

He shook his hand as if that would fix whatever was going on.

"I thought it was... nice," Aang shrugged.

"It went "poof" like a confused volcano," the female voice cackled.

"Where is that coming from?" Aang demanded.

"He hears... but does not see," the voice sighed. "Ah well."

"You be quiet," Zuko pointed towards the air, presumably whoever was speaking.

"You can see them?" Aang said, bewildered.

"Yes..." Zuko sighed.

"What are you two doing?" Jin yelled out. "You look like crazy people talking to nothing."

"Wait, you can't hear the voice?" Aang yelled back.

"What voice?" Muteki retorted. "It's just you two being weird."

"Aang, firebending?" Zuko said.

"Oh, right," Aang turned back to pay attention.

Zuko then firebent in rapid succession, but every flame was small like the first. When he stopped, he groaned in frustration and stared at his palms.

"Why is this happening?" Zuko demanded.

"Maybe it's the altitude?" Aang suggested.

"But Jin's firebending is totally fine," the voice pointed out.

"Oh yeah... thanks, random voice."

"You're welcome, random avatar."

"Oh, but what if Zuko's only used to bending with a specific altitude?"

"Hmm, you make a good point."

"Both of you quit it," Zuko sighed.

Yet, they still went to a new spot with a lower altitude. Still no change, however.

"Just breath, and..." Zuko tried again.

"That one kind of felt hot," Aang said.

"Don't patronize me," Zuko snapped. "You know what it's supposed to look like!"

"Sorry, Sifu Hotman."

"And stop calling me that!"

Sokka arrived, apple in hand.

"Hey, jerks," he said cheerfully. "Mind if I watch you two jerks do your jerk bending?"

"Oh, I hate how that sounds..."

"I don't get it?" Aang said.

"Hush child, not for you..."

Zuko's face turned red. "Stop that!" he yelled, mostly towards the voice.

"Hey, sorry!" Sokka threw his hands up defensively. "I was just kidding around."

As he walked away, he dropped his apple.

"Heh, jerkbending," he cackled to himself. "I still got it."

"No!" an apple was thrown, though no one saw who threw it. It missed by a whole foot.

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