Sneaky Ninja Boi

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He kept a discreet distance, making sure to keep the other boy in his sights as he went. For the first time since arriving in the city proper, Amaya had opted to leave him alone - he could see her hovering near the boy.

She apparently hadn't let the guy know that Mangetsu was tailing him since he could see a small moment of vulnerability pass between them from where he was.

He briefly wondered what kind of relationship they had but shook it off quickly. Right now, he suspected this guy was going to lead him somewhere interesting - his earlier desire to follow him to find out why he had such a visceral reaction to seeing his face forgotten in favour of spy things.

The boy pushed the door open, and Mangetsu darted to hide in the doorframe, seeing the Fire Lord on a dais with a row of guards in front of him. Suddenly, Mangetsu felt he might be in over his head...

"Prince Zuko, what are you doing here?"

The Fire Lord's voice carried loudly across the hall, making it easy for Mangetsu to hear his words. He remembered Prince Zuko.

Mogui frequently alternated between cursing him and Zuko for Amaya's death.

Of course, she'd float around bugging the people most people voted responsible for her death.

Mangetsu gripped the hilt of his sword, his teeth grinding.

"Of course it is," he whispered to himself.

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