Bird vs Lemur

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A/N: Look at you lucky people, an upload AND a new book all in the same day!  Well, don't forget the standard vote - comment thing!

Sokka, Mogui, and Muteki returned to the campsite with anxious expressions and a bird on Sokka's shoulder.

"Toph, while we were in town, Mog and Mut found something that you're not gonna like," Sokka unfurled the poster, holding it out in front of Toph.


"...Really, dude?" Mogui questioned as Muteki facepalmed.

"Well, it sounds like a sheet of paper," Toph said. "But I guess you're referring to what's on the sheet of paper."

"It's a wanted poster," Muteki said.

"Of you," Mog added helpfully.

"They've nicknamed you "The Runaway," in case you were wondering," Sokka said, lowering his arm.

"A wanted poster?" Toph said enthusiastically. "That's so great. "The Runaway". I love my new nickname. Is there a picture of me? Does it look good?"

"Ok, yeah," Mog said, pushing Sokka's arm aside. "And I hate that I agree with the short stack, but I don't think you realize how serious this is."

"Mogui's right about Mangetsu being right," Muteki said. "These scams are drawing too much attention to us. It's only a matter of time before we get found out."

"Don't forget, Katara and Jin also pointed out that this kind of attention was dangerous," Sokka said. "Although, admittedly, Mangetsu said it the loudest and arguably the scariest."

"Don't be such a worrywart like those three sticks in the mud," Toph waved off their concern. "Think of it this way. Now you have plenty of money to help with the invasion plan!"

Sokka shook the bag of money that she dangled before his eyes, looking slightly pleased.

"Well, that is true," Sokka said thoughtfully. "I had this idea of making armour for Appa."

"Hey, that actually sounds like a really good idea," Mogui said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Wonder if you could weaponize Appa?" Muteki said.

"Here's a little extra so you can get yourself a nice map of the Fire Nation," Toph said, pushing another bag into each of their hands. "You know what? Make it an atlas. And you guys get yourselves something nice. Maybe shiny."

"I do like expensive atlases..." Sokka said slowly.

"I dunno..." Mogui said slowly, eying the money. "I mean, I do like shiny armour."

"Hmmm...." Muteki was equally conflicted. "Especially if it's covered in pointy stabby things."

"Besides, do you guys really want to hear Katara and Jin do their, "I told you so" speech?" Toph added.

"Yeah, my lips are sealed," Muteki said.

"Uhh... so long as we're a little more careful, I guess it's ok?" Mogui said a little slower than Muteki.

"Good, then this little poster thing will stay our little secret," Toph said, stuffing said poster into her vest and walked away as Aang and Katara joined the trio standing there with their bags of money.

"Sokka, tell me you didn't buy a bird," Katara sighed.

"He didn't!" Mogui said brightly. "He bought... a messenger bird. Even better than a bird."

"Exactly!" Sokka said cheerfully. "Now we can send messages all over the world, even to Gran-Gran."

"Wow, how does it work?" Aang enthused.

"Hm, uh..." Sokka scratched his head in confusion. "I never actually thought about that. Hawky: Gran-Gran, South Pole."

Sokka pointed helpfully in the direction needed, but the bird just shook its head in apparent confusion.

"You know, I always did wonder how those owls could find Harry everywhere he went," Muteki said, scratching his chin.

"Or Sirius, I mean, even the Ministry couldn't find him, but Harry's letters always did!" Mogui pointed out. "Hedwig must have been more magical than Dumbledore."

"Uh... what are you two muttering about over there?" Sokka asked.

"Magic," the guys said in unison.

"Well, Hawky gets the idea," Sokka shrugged.

Momo appeared over Aang's shoulder and dashed at the bird, the two wheeling furiously about Sokka's head as he tried to calm them down.

While that was happening, Mogui blinked.

"Hold up; we're missing two people?"

"Jin's helping Mangetsu change his bandages," Aang said. "Apparently, Katara was being too rough because ... quote "you're too grumpy, leave me alone," and then he asked Jin."

"Wait... isn't she just as grumpy?" Muteki demanded.

Katara sniffed and put up her nose in a haughty manner. "That's what I said."

"Apparently, Jin's grumpiness gives her steadier hands and makes her less prone to angry outbursts that hurt him," Aang shrugged.

Mogui and Muteki both thought it over a minute before nodding in unison.

"Makes sense to us," they said together.

"Ah!" Katara made an indignant noise.

"Haha!" Sokka laughed while trying to separate bird and lemur.

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