Therapist Amaya

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"I spy with my little eye... something beginning with an N."

"Is it leave me alone?"

"That doesn't even start with the right letter!"

"You're right; let me try again," Mangetsu rolled over and glared at the spectral blonde. "N-Leave me alone!"

"False, it was a nerd."

Mangetsu glared at her, then rolled back over. "Why is it that I can pretty much ignore the rest of those weirdos, but somehow, not you?"

"It's probably because I'm a championship irritant."

Mangetsu threw a rock in her direction, which naturally meant it passed right through her. She cackled as he growled furiously.

After a few silent moments, Amaya poked him with a stick she'd managed to... ghost?


He didn't respond, so she poked a little harder.


"Kiss my ass."

"That's cheating, but I got you to react, so point to me."

He growled but didn't respond further.

"In all seriousness, though, why didn't you go with Zuko to find your friends?"

He mumbled something, forcing Amaya to float over to him.

"Dude, speak up; I'm a ghost, not Superman."

"I said, none of your damn business."

Amaya sighed loudly and dramatically, draping herself over Mangetsu.

"Are you avoiding them?"


"Then why stay?"

"Because I felt like it."

"Because you're avoiding them."


"But then why did you stay?"

"Dammit, get off!" He rolled over to try to push her off, only for him to roll through her and push nothing. "Why do you even care?"

"Because I'm nosy like that," Amaya shrugged. "The sooner you satisfy my curiosity, the sooner I leave it alone."

"Fine, I didn't want to go back because Jin would just yell at me for disappearing, and Mog would yell at me because I'm not you and I disappeared," Mangetsu ranted. "Maybe I like hanging around Zuko better because he has you to keep him from getting mopey about me not being you."

"Oof, dude," Amaya made patting motions over his head. "Feel better now that that's off your chest?"


"Eh, that was the least spikey no so far, so progress," Amaya shrugged.

"Oh, suck a toad."

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