Pasta vs Noodles

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"Hey," I growled at Mogui. "Leave some food for the girls."

He was wolfing down his third bowl of pasta.

"These noodles taste funny," Sokka commented.

"That's because pasta isn't a noodle," I corrected him. "It's a pasta."

"I hate that about Mainland Americans," Mogui narrowed his eyes at the now-empty bowl. "It's not Spaghetti noodles, no such thing as Macaroni noodles. They're both Pasta. Pasta is not a noodle."

"What's the difference?" I asked, giving him half a scoop more.

"Mainly processing," he shrugged. "Pasta is pressed into shapes, while Noodles are stretched into strands. Then there is the type of flour, the colour and texture... not to mention the salt content in the dough."

"So you're remembering a lot of 'Stuff'," I commented.

"Yeah," Mogui grinned. "Can't wait to tell the girls when they get back."

"They should have been back by now," I said.

"Do you think this scam of theirs should be taking this long?" Aang asked

"I was just wondering the same thing," Sokka replied. "We'd better check it out."

He pointed at his bird, then at Momo. "You two behave. Appa's in charge."

"Isn't it redundant, saying he's in charge?" Mogui asked. "He is the biggest and most likely to eat them."

The two creatures begin to squabble anyway, but a reproving roar from Appa puts a quick stop to that. Meanwhile, Mangetsu was either sleeping or meditating and paid us no mind as we set off to find the girls.

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