Mut thinks Mog is odd... still

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It was nice to meet some of these guys and to catch up with others. Hakoda seemed to be off having a manly chat with Mangetsu, while everyone else seemed to be just milling around, waiting for something to happen.

There were these guys wearing leaves... Now, I like green as much as the next guy, but I wouldn't go around wearing nothing but a couple of leaves... one of which would be strapped to my head...

Then I saw them. Two huge men. One as muscle-bound as Arnold Schwarzenegger and the other looking like a Sumo Wrestler. Fatso ran up to my ward and wrapped her in a bear hug.

"Hippo happy to see Blind Bandit!" a gap-tooth smile plastered across his face.

"You guys here for a re-match?" Toph growled

"Negatory," The Boulder said, slashing his hands in a No motion."The Boulder and The Hippo no longer fight for others' entertainment. Now, we fight for our Kingdom!"

"You seem very enthusiastic," I smiled at him, extending a hand.

"The Boulder has found a new passion," Boulder grinned. "It is breaking Fire Nation Soldiers!"

"Sweet," Toph smiled.

"Who is this kid?" I asked, walking up to a funny looking wheelchair.

"I'm Teo," he grinned.

"This kid is the reason the Northern Air Temple is still standing," Mogui grinned, slapping the kid on the back. "You should have seen the airpower they have up there."

"I like to have my feet where I can see them," I chuckled back. "But I bet you've got a couple of awesome stories."

"Only a few," Teo wheeled his chair around me and over to Aang.

"I think I could make his chair just a bit better," Mogui narrowed his eyes at the boy. "An aluminium frame, carbon fibre-polymer panels, and a wee two-stroke engine powering a turboprop..." He kissed his fingers like some exotic chef.

"Remembering something?" I asked.

"Does the name Reaper Drone mean anything to you?" Mogui replied.

A shiver ran up my spine. "No."

"Oh well," he shrugged. "I'll just have to keep remembering."

I shook my head and walked away. There are some things nobody should mess with.

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