We're all a little crazy, but damn

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I was woken by the panicked cries of Aang waking Sokka. To be fair, though, it wasn't just me and Sokka being woke. Mogui leapt to his feet, similarly to Sokka, only with a lot less headbanging.

"You've got to get up and drill your rock climbing exercises!" Aang exclaimed.

"What?" Sokka protested. "I'm a great climber!"

"In my dream-"

"I'm going to stop you right there," I sighed. "It was a dream, Aang."

"You and Muteki need to stay away from each other!" he suddenly said, pointing at me. "In my dream, you were too busy kissing to notice the Fire Nation sent soldiers to capture you!"

"I think we're both smart enough to know there is a time and place for that," Muteki sighed. "What if I wanted to be kissing Mangetsu?"

"I would bite your face," Mangetsu warned, having returned from... somewhere.

"And Mangetsu has to train his dancing!"

"Bite me!" the squirt yelled. "Why the hell do I need to dance?"

"But in my dream, you had to pretend to be a woman and seduce Zuko into telling us where the Fire Lord was hiding!"

"YOU SEDUCE HIM, YOU PSYCHO!" The squirt yelled again.

I laughed as Mangetsu threw a small rock at the airbender. It was blocked, though that was pretty surprising considering Aang's current condition. At that exact moment, Toph started to take a drink of water.

"DON'T DRINK THAT!" Aang suddenly screamed.

Toph spat the water all over Katara, who was not impressed.

"Why, is it poisoned?" Toph asked, perturbed. Meanwhile, Katara bent the water off with an annoyed grunt.

"In my dream, we were right in the middle of the invasion, and you had to stop to use the bathroom. We died because of your tiny bladder," Aang mimicked, holding himself, then turned to Katara. "And you need to start wearing your hair up," Aang gestured to his hair and then started pulling and stretching his forehead. "In my dream, your hair got caught in a train, and..."

"Aang, chill," I said, grabbing his face and turning him to look at me. "You need to calm down. Do you have any idea how crazy you sound right now?"

"She's right, Aang," Katara said. "I know you're just trying to help. But you really need to get a grip. You're unravelling."

"Yeah..." Aang sighed, looking appropriately exhausted. "I'm losing my mind..."

Accidental Avatar 3.5: The Burn BookWhere stories live. Discover now