Fires of Change

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The group trudged through the forest, which eventually gave way to a steep, grassy incline. Zuko and Mangetsu got to the top and noticed a lagging Aang.
"Hurry up," Zuko sighed.
"I can't," Aang said, watching his fire anxiously. "If I walk too fast, my flame will go out."
"Uh," Mangetsu glanced up at his torch, still burning cheerfully. "Mine seems fine."
"How!?" Aang cried.
"I switch sticks when it looks like it's going to die," he answered with a shrug. "Zuko, give it more juice."
"What? No!"
"I can't," Mangetsu rolled his eyes. "And I think it's gonna die."

"Come on, Koko, help a brother out!" Amaya said cheerfully. "Like this..."

She cupped her hands around the fire and blew on it, strangely, causing it to flare with life.

"Woah, that actually worked!"

"That works, come on Aang," Mangetsu looked back over to the Avatar.

"But my flame..."

"Want me to blow on it?"

"He can do it," Zuko said. "His flame is only going to go out because he's too timid. So give it more juice, Aang."

"But what if I can't control it?" Aang said.

"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right," Amaya said cheerfully.

"What she said," Zuko said gently. "Just remind yourself that you can - you're a talented kid, so you'll be fine."

"Yeah, it's only us talentless kids that won't be," Mangetsu said.

Zuko rolled his eyes at the kid while Aang laughed.

It was dusk when they finally reached the mountain. The warriors were already there, poised in an alternating standing and sitting position.
"Of course, they know the secret tunnel to the mountain thing," Mangetsu grumbled.
Aang shivered as if experiencing some kind of flashback.
"A shortcut, you mean?" Zuko said.
"Why can't it be both?" Mangetsu shrugged.
They approached the group, and the Chief stepped before them.

"Facing the judgement of the firebending masters will be very dangerous for you," he said, looking directly at Zuko. "Your ancestors are directly responsible for the dragons' disappearance. The masters might not be so happy to see you."

"I know I wouldn't be," one of the other warriors said, putting his hand on a hip.

"Probably why you're not the master," Mangetsu retorted. "Zuko, you know there are things that people consider unforgivable, and you were still forgiven. So have faith that they won't see just your dark past."

"Thank you, Mangetsu," Zuko said softly.

"You are wise, perhaps because you ascribe to the teachings of the Water Tribes," the chief said thoughtfully.

"Not likely," Mangetsu retorted. "I've been told I lack the patience and calm for a waterbending master."

"You're an angry child," the warrior frowned at him. "Water is supposed to be tranquil."

"It's just as destructive as fire, thanks," Mangetsu snapped.

"THANK YOU!" Amaya said exasperatedly. "Someone finally says it!"

"Enough!" the chief gave the warrior a withering glare. "The boy is correct. Perhaps, for that reason, the masters will impart wisdom unto him, despite not being a firebender."

"Brilliant," Mangetsu sighed.
"Won't they be okay once they find out I'm the Avatar..." Aang threw in, only to be cut off by the Chief.
"Have you forgotten that you vanished, allowing the Fire Nation to wreak havoc on the world?" he said. "The decline of the dragons is your burden too."

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