Jail time Heart to Hearts

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Did you know that metal cells get hot in the Fire Nation?

I did because that's where they dropped me to stop me from firebending my way out. Jokes on them, though; they left my hairpins alone.

"Wait!" Toph suddenly cried. "It's a trap!"

"Really? No kidding," Katara answered sarcastically. "Is that why you and I are in the wooden cell while Jin's in the metal one right now? Gee, how'd you figure out it was a trap?"

"Wow, Katara, you just jumped on the salt train full steam," I commented as I tried to angle my arms through the bar to see if I could pick my lock. "Also, it seems like you've almost mastered your sarcasm muscle. And another thing, I think Toph means we're the bait in this trap."

"Exactly," Toph said. "He wants Aang."

Katara dropped her face into her hands with a groan, and one of my hairpins snapped. Guess that won't work. Ok, time to think of a plan B for "escape the trap in one piece."

"I can't believe I was so stupid," Katara moaned. "See, this is exactly why I'm against these scams. I knew this would happen."

"But... this was your idea," Toph pointed out.

"I know," Katara sighed. "I wanted to show you that I'm not so motherly. I wanted to show you that I can have fun too."

"I keep forgetting you didn't really know your mother too well," I said, tossing my hairpins away. "And that Toph's relationship with her mother was a little overbearing. Mothers can be fun too, Katara. It's not all "don't do this and that" or manners and stuff. It can be late-night chats about anything that comes to mind, inside jokes, and life advice."

Katara sighed, and I could hear Toph chuckle slightly.

"So you guys think I can be a little motherly," I shuffled a little closer to their cell. "And maybe Katara can be a little motherly. Amaya had her mom voice perfected."

"Really?" Toph commented. "I remember her being... erratic."

"Yeah, she was nuts," I smiled fondly. "But when the moment called for it, she could become serious. My point is, whether you're a little motherly or wild, it doesn't matter. You've got nothing to prove, Katara."

Toph actually chuckled aloud at that.

"She's right, Katara," Toph said. "I think you're fun. If nothing else, you're at least fun to argue with."

"I know your relationship with your parents is complicated, and I shouldn't have said what I said," Katara apologized.

"It's ok," Toph answered. "I was really mad when you said that because; well, because maybe it's true. I try not to think about it, but when I left, I probably hurt them."

She made a soft little sobbing noise, and I leaned against my wall closest to them.

"Don't worry, Toph," I said gently. "They're your parents. They'll always love you, no matter what. When we get out, and this is all done, we'll go with you when you apologize, and you'll see. They'll forgive you because they love you."

A startled gasp followed up a sniffled reply.

"I said some horrible things to Mangetsu!" she cried.

"Yeah, you did," I said.

"I need to apologize to him first!"

"Jin made a good point," Katara said. "We need to get out."

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